Why does XP put a recycle bin on a second drive that doesn't have an
OS on it ?
Everytime I delete a file, it goes to both recycle bins.
XP puts a recycle bin on both drives because that's the way it is by
design. You can read all about it if you do a Google search for: xp
recycle bin
On my system if I delete a file on C, it goes into the RB on C.
If I delete a file on D, it goes into the RB on D.
I proved this by doing a dir /a on the RECYCLER folder on C after
deleting a file on C. There was a modification to a folder with the
current time, but not in the RECYCLER on D. I don't care what is
really in the folder.
If I deleted a file on D, the current time showed up in a folder in
the RECYCLER folder on D, but not on C.
The file goes to the RECYCLER folder on the drive where it was
deleted. Easy to prove.
From the desktop, the is one Recycle Bin for the user interface, but
(like Lem says) you can set the properties for the RB on C and D, but
why mess with something that is probably working just fine? If I open
my desktop Recycle Bin, everything looks acceptable.
Is something on your system not working and you think it has something
to do with the Recycle Bin?
If you "already did that", describe what you see that does not make
sense to you.
Please explain why you think when you delete a file it goes to both
recycle bins.