Spyware Hater
My system has been running for a week or a week and a half, and this morning
my E:\ drive filled up. I checked all the usual suspects, and found
nothing. So I did a search for all "large files" modified in the last 24
hours. My errors.log file from Microsoft AntiSpyware was > 1.6 GB!!!
There is absolutely no reason to keep 1.6 GB of error log files around,
especially without telling the user about it. There has to be a cap that is
configurable, but still maxes out at, say, 50% of the free space if the file
weren't there at all. We can't have this log file screwing our systems
my E:\ drive filled up. I checked all the usual suspects, and found
nothing. So I did a search for all "large files" modified in the last 24
hours. My errors.log file from Microsoft AntiSpyware was > 1.6 GB!!!
There is absolutely no reason to keep 1.6 GB of error log files around,
especially without telling the user about it. There has to be a cap that is
configurable, but still maxes out at, say, 50% of the free space if the file
weren't there at all. We can't have this log file screwing our systems