Yesterday by chance I discovered an entry in my router's persistent port
forwarding screen. The description is "svchost ( 41670
UDP", public port is 41670 and forwarding to private port 1032. My pc's ip
is I removed the entry but after rebooting my machine it was
I checked the registry (I'm using Windows XP Pro complete w/ all updates)
and found this entry:
( 41670 UDP. The data is in binary format.
Does anyone know if this entry is being put there by a legit Windows process
or should I be concerned?
forwarding screen. The description is "svchost ( 41670
UDP", public port is 41670 and forwarding to private port 1032. My pc's ip
is I removed the entry but after rebooting my machine it was
I checked the registry (I'm using Windows XP Pro complete w/ all updates)
and found this entry:
( 41670 UDP. The data is in binary format.
Does anyone know if this entry is being put there by a legit Windows process
or should I be concerned?