Jeremy Gollehon
Repeat subject:
Why is R2K_Incept an invalid name for a named range?
Why is R2K_Incept an invalid name for a named range?
...maybe you have used this name already? Otherwise this sholuld be
Harlan said:...
I've tried it in XL8/97. It's not accepted. No name beginning with R
or C immediately followed by a decimal numeral is accepted. I'd guess
this is legacy 'functionality' due to the limitations of the formula
parser in the original Excel when using R1C1 addressing.
I'm using XL2003, so it hasn't been dealt with yet. Would you consider this
a bug that should be reported (not that it will matter)?
matter)?Jeremy said:Thanks Harlan,
At least that makes some sense, however frustrating it is.
I'm using XL2003, so it hasn't been dealt with yet. Would you
consider this a bug that should be reported (not that it will