I have arranged about 40 calculated text boxes within the dimensions of a 1
page report. It all fits within the boundaries of a single page but I get 13
pages of the same information printed out. It started out as 16 pages but I
did something that reduced it to 13 pages. I do not know what I did. I
checked that "no. of copies" is set to 1 in the print dialog box. My page
setup is landscape with 0.5 inch margins. I am printing to an HP laser
page report. It all fits within the boundaries of a single page but I get 13
pages of the same information printed out. It started out as 16 pages but I
did something that reduced it to 13 pages. I do not know what I did. I
checked that "no. of copies" is set to 1 in the print dialog box. My page
setup is landscape with 0.5 inch margins. I am printing to an HP laser