To answer your questions, in reverse order.
Providing your Outlook version is BASIC to troubleshooting. Each version
has solutions that apply only to that option. Without this information,
even guessing is a problem.
Also, the environment is important - Exchange (version?) vs. IMAP vs. POP
vs. HTTP. Each has quirks that exist only for that protocol.
Who are "Us" - that means the regular folks who post here on a daily or
regular basis. Many MVPs, other Outlook experts, and other users of the
forum who see a problem they can answer (how I started).
As for your problem, have you run detect and repair from any Office
Help->About file. Have you run scanpst.exe against your .pst file if you
are using one?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, D Schroer asked:
| I thought I gave sufficient information, but let me elaborate. I
| have Office 2003 and am using Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
| (11.6268.6568) SP2 in an Exchang server environment with Windows XP
| OS. I like to enter events and/or appointments to my calendar, and
| then use the scheduling tab to invite others from the global
| template. Up until a few weeks ago, I was able to type in the first
| few letters of a name, and when I tabbed off, the name would
| autoresolve in a matter of a second or two and the full name would
| populate in the "All attendees" column. Unless of course there was
| more than one name starting with those letters in the global
| template. The autofill feature in the To: line of any e-mail works
| fine, and if I use the check names icon or type control K, then the
| name will autoresolve. However, it is no longer immediate when I tab
| off. All 21 of our business PCs worked this way, except for two,
| which stopped autoresolving a few weeks ago. One resolved itself and
| now works over the last week, but mine is still not working this way.
| Does this give you enough information, Millie, to comment? If not,
| perhaps you could help me to understand why my post prevents you to
| even guess. I'm curious too, who are "us?" Perhaps I'm ignorant. I
| thought responses to forums like this were by many people in
| different locations. If you're speaking for the group, does that
| mean the responses to this forum are from a familiar group - at
| Microsoft, I assume? Please forgive my stupidity. I'm learning
| about wonderful cyber based support forums such as this.
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| Don't know - you provided no information that would allow us to even
|| guess.
|| --Â
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, D Schroer asked:
||| When in the Outlook scheduling tab of a new event or appointing, I
||| used to be able to type a name, or even just the first few letters,
||| and the name resolves a few seconds after I tab out of the field.
||| This no longer works. I can use the check name ikon or type control
||| K and that will work. Why is it no longer immediate?