Why is it taking so long to save to my computer??

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well i reacorded footage last night. And i was so excited on editing it. I
always use Windows Movie Maker to edit any kind of video. Even if there are
flaws or random shutdowns, but i learn how to come around them. So once i was
done editing a 11 min. 30 sec. video. I went straight into saving it to my
computer. Now nothing is wrong with my computer. But as of right now its say
estimated time is 2225 min and its still rising. Now i have 94 gb left on my
computer. And the video only takes up 50 mb. What is wrong with this? This is
getting me angry and annoyed. Can somebody help?
There could be a few different reasons for this.

Take a look at your source files, what file types are they (extensions)?

The project is only 11 1/2 minutes long but if that is a lot of images and
transitions etc... it could be a complexity issue meaning splitting the
project into pieces could be the answer (see my website for a step-by-step
to that process)