This is really starting to annoy me. Not only have I
unchecked all the boxes for automatically connecting, or
starting when windows starts from Windows Messenger, but
I have also uninstalled the program, and .NET framework,
and yet it still exists. People are still sending me
messages. The icon isn't even in my tray. Everytime it
happens, I have to go into task manager and end msmsgs.
What the heck is wrong with this? I'd much rather use Msn
Messenger anyway.
unchecked all the boxes for automatically connecting, or
starting when windows starts from Windows Messenger, but
I have also uninstalled the program, and .NET framework,
and yet it still exists. People are still sending me
messages. The icon isn't even in my tray. Everytime it
happens, I have to go into task manager and end msmsgs.
What the heck is wrong with this? I'd much rather use Msn
Messenger anyway.