If you don't like the pure white (255,255,255) that your monitor displays,
most monitors have a control to change the basic color levels. On my monitor,
I can use the control buttons near the bottom of the screen to adjust
brightness, contrast, position, and a number of other aspects of the screen
appearance. One of the choices is "Color Select" and it lists 5500°, 6500°,
and 9300°; The higher the number the brighter the whites look.
Color Temperature is measured using a theoretical black body heated to
various temperatures; a cannon ball is a close approximation. At about 900°,
the black body starts to glow red, at 3000° the ball glows about the same
color as an incandescent light bulb. At about 4500°, the color of fluorescent
lights is achieved. 5500° is close to direct sunlight. 9300° approaches the
color of the brightest blue sky and whites start looking blue. Color
Temperature is measured using the Kelvin Scale.