Why is FrontPage adding an extra line?

  • Thread starter Thread starter mabar
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I recently noticed that when viewing some of my website pages when using
Mozilla Firefox, there is an extra line added between some of the bullet
lines on some pages. When viewing with Internet Explorer, my pages display
correctly, without an extra line between each bullet line.

For some reason unknown to me, FrontPage 2003 is adding an extra line (
<li> ) in the code for bullets on only SOME of my pages. I do not want this
extra line, but FrontPage is adding it automatically on only SOME pages.

On this page: http://www.tmar.net/test_page1.htm it added the extra line
between each bullet line, which I do not want.

On this page: http://www.tmar.net/test_page2.htm it DID NOT add the extra
line, which is correct.

What am I doing wrong? Why is FrontPage sometimes adding the extra line and
sometimes not?

Dear Tom,

Here is the code to Test Page 1 for the bulleted list:
<p align="left"><font face="Arial">This is a test</font></li>
<p align="left"><font face="Arial">This is a test</font></li>
<p align="left"><font face="Arial">This is a test</font></li>
<p align="left"><font face="Arial">This is a test</font></li>

the reason you see extra spaces, is because of the <p align="left"> for
EACH LINE. That is a paragraph tag, that while you're using it to align
your text "left" also begins a new paragraph for each line.

The reason IE does not put in the paragraph space, is because IE sucks.
Fire Fox displays the page EXACTLY as you code it - a more true display
of the page - if you will.

To remove the extra space, remove all the extra <p align="left"> tags.
Your code should look like this: (as it does in test_page2.htm)
<li>This is a test</li>
<li>This is a test</li>
<li>This is a test</li>
<li>This is a test</li>

If you want your bulleted list to be left justified, put the entire
list inside of a paragraph tag - like this:

<p align="left">
<li>This is a test</li>
<li>This is a test</li>
<li>This is a test</li>
<li>This is a test</li>

I have been using FrontPage for 3 years now, and because of things like
this, I sometimes get very frustrated.

Chris, thanks again for your help. You explained what was happening, but not
why it was happening. I finally found out that the extra line was being
added to my bullets because I had highlighted the "align left" icon on the
toolbar. I never realized FrontPage was adding an extra line in my bullets
because of this.

The extra line did not show up in design view.
The extra line did not show up in preview view.
The extra line did not show up in Internet Explorer.
Then when viewing in Firefox, the extra line showed up. Quite frustrating!!!

You would think that if FrontPage was adding an extra line, it would show up
in design view or preview view, but it doesn't. Poor design if you ask me.

This makes me wonder how many other "mistakes" I have in my websites that I
don't know about, even after checking everything over in design view,
preview view, and IE.

Yeah, and even sometimes still, previewing the page inside of
FrontPage's built-in-preview window, still doesn't show the data

Yeah, in order to align text in html, you have to start a new
paragraph, and align that paragraph. Or in your case, for whatever
reason, it aligned each bullet seperately as opposed to doing all at
once. I duno why...

I try to always preview in as many differnt browsers as possible.
