Post after Post on this forum, I see ppl looking for help,
yet I never see, the HARDWARE involved, the SOFTWARE
involved, the EXACT error message. If you are upgrading,
it is absolutely necessary to know if it is an upgrade
OVER the previous OS or if it is an upgrade doing clean
install on older hardware, and what is ALL the hardware
We like to help, but we are not freaking mind readers.
I for one will not help anymore if at least an attempt is
not made at giving the facts. Carpal is not worth it.
If you don't want to take the time to post pertinent
information then I will not take the time to try to GUESS
an answer.
Mark C
yet I never see, the HARDWARE involved, the SOFTWARE
involved, the EXACT error message. If you are upgrading,
it is absolutely necessary to know if it is an upgrade
OVER the previous OS or if it is an upgrade doing clean
install on older hardware, and what is ALL the hardware
We like to help, but we are not freaking mind readers.
I for one will not help anymore if at least an attempt is
not made at giving the facts. Carpal is not worth it.
If you don't want to take the time to post pertinent
information then I will not take the time to try to GUESS
an answer.
Mark C