In WinXP, I find hundreds, even thousands of 0KB folders in Content
IE. What purpose do they serve?
Can I delete them safely?
Yes, you can delete them. New ones will be created, but not in such
huge numbers unless something is wrong, like malware of some sort. I am
not suggestiong malware on your machine; just mentioning it in case they
come back like that right away; then I'd suspect malware.
If you're nervous about doint that, zip them all into one file and
delete the originals while you test, to be sure nothing went wrong.
That way you could always put them back if you needed to; but you won't
have to.
It's also possible a couple of them might be in use, in which case
you won't be able to delete them.
The best time to delete them is right after a boot into Safe Mode,
and the very first thing you do.
If you don't mind the usually brief hesitation/pause when you close IE,
you can also set IE to empty temp folders upon exit which can help too.
Thinking about why you have those:
Have you had a lot of crashes or computer freezes or program freezes?
Do you always wait for the ShutDown process to completely END before you
turn off power?
Computer or program crashes are the usual reason for that, followed by
improper shut downs. There are likely other things too but that's what
occurs to me at the moment.