Why has Microsoft made it so hard for my business??

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I am in the business of industrial electronic repair. I repair machinery in
all aspects of manufactring. I recently perchased a gateway laptop for my
programming needs only to find out that NONE of my software will work due to
the driver issue with Vista. Most of the OEM's that produce the needed
software have no real timetable for Vista upgrades. I cant take my laptop
back or put XP on it unless I wish to void my warrenty, I dont really want to
go there.

Why cant Microsoft make it easier for working people to use thier operating
system in real world applications?

Is there a version of Vista that XP drivers will work on it?

I really need my older softare to work properly. I may be able to get it to
run on vista but actually getting vista to talk to the equipment is the real
issue here.

Any help Microsoft can give here would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time,
Ken Fields said:
I am in the business of industrial electronic repair. I repair machinery in
all aspects of manufactring. I recently perchased a gateway laptop for my
programming needs only to find out that NONE of my software will work due
the driver issue with Vista.

*What* driver issue? Which drivers are you talking about?
Most of the OEM's that produce the needed
software have no real timetable for Vista upgrades. I cant take my laptop
back or put XP on it unless I wish to void my warrenty, I dont really want
go there.

Why cant Microsoft make it easier for working people to use thier
system in real world applications?

It's up to the OEMs to make sure they upgrade their software to work with
They had plenty of time to test with the betas and RTM that were available.
Is there a version of Vista that XP drivers will work on it?

What drivers do you need? We're not mind readers! Some XP drivers work
with 32-bit Vista (no 32-bit drivers work with 64-bit Vista).
Any help Microsoft can give here would be greatly appreciated.

This isn't an official Microsoft support channel. Almost all of us are just
helping each other.

Tom Lake
Well Tom, If everyone here is as rude as you are I should look elsewhere for
help. This site is linked to from an Official MS Vista site so I assumed it
was official. I apologise for my ignorance of your pitiful site.

If a driver works in XP then it should damn well work in Vista. Vista
appears to be MS's attempt to change the world............Again.

XP works fine why muddy up the waters with this crap. I wish I would have
never bought it. The thing that really gets me upset is the fact that I cant
even buy a laptop with XP on it anymore, Unless I special order it or
something stupid like that.

Any way, I am not here to get into a shouting match with you about vista or
Microsoft. I just expected a more professional response.

Are you sure changing the OS to XP will affect the warranty? I'd double
check. Most laptops offer your choice of OS software.
In message <[email protected]> Ken
Fields said:
If a driver works in XP then it should damn well work in Vista. Vista
appears to be MS's attempt to change the world............Again.

Sure. DOS drivers should damn well work in Vista too, no?
Any way, I am not here to get into a shouting match with you about vista or
Microsoft. I just expected a more professional response.

Garbage in, garbage out.

These newsgroups are designed to allow the community members to help
each other. You came in complaining, with an adversarial tone, without
providing the information to allow anyone to help.

This is a bad combination.

It is your choice, you can try providing the information requested, or
you can not. You simply cannot get assistance from a volunteer unless
you put the effort into making it easy for people to help you.
Ken Fields said:
If a driver works in XP then it should damn well work in Vista. Vista
appears to be MS's attempt to change the world............Again.

XP works fine why muddy up the waters with this crap. I wish I would have
never bought it. The thing that really gets me upset is the fact that I
even buy a laptop with XP on it anymore, Unless I special order it or
something stupid like that.

Actually drivers in XP don't work fine. They can be used by malware and
hackers to take over a computer. That's why the way drivers are programmed
has changed.

Custom software and hardware is always a problem when a new OS comes out. If
you must use it then your choices are limited. Return the laptop and buy one
that comes with XP. I know they are hard to find but they are available. The
other choice is to buy XP and install it on the laptop.
We know America is a great nation! Where else could a cute, poor black boy
be born in utter poverty and end up a rich, ugly white woman?
Only in America!

Answer: Michael Jackson
Ken Fields is correct.
Only Microsoft and apologists for Microsoft (hey, even George Bush has one
or two supporters) will see the lack of Vista drivers and compatible
software as the fault of anyone except Microsoft.
Many vendors have issued Vista drivers that work in some but not all
configurations or only work partly. These are reputable vendors and so one
presumes the problems lie with the design of Vista and in Microsoft's
miniscule efforts to get peripheral vendors on-board in the years prior to
Vista's release.
Mr. Fields has no choice but to install XP on his laptop if he wants to use
it for productive work. He can do so in a dual boot configuration but that
requires a degree of sophistication users should not have to posess. And
under a dual boot configuration he can experience the miracle of Microsoft
wiping out his Vista system restore files as punishment for dual booting
into XP.
I run my business on a software that is specifically written for that type
of business. In its newest iteration the vendor states that the program is
Vista compatible but specifically warns against using the software,
particularly since one's business depends on it, under Vista. That tells you
exactly what vendors think of Vista.
How dumb can the people be who run Apple? Imagine if they sold Apple
hardware for what it was really worth (less than half of what they charge)
or released the OS to work on all x86 machines? The only rational
explanation for not doing it would be that the $150 mill Microsoft pumped
into Apple a few years ago stipulated no release of the Apple OS to generic
x86 boxes . . .
With most OEMs, yes.
They will only support the computer in the original configuration.
The fact the same model may ship with either Windows XP or Vista is

The warranty is not really void, however the customer may need to
reinstall the original operating system at own time and expense before
troubleshooting can commence.
This effectively makes the warranty hardware only since the operating
system is different.
Check with your software manufacturers about Windows Vista
Most software works normally with Windows XP and much of the rest
works in Compatibility Mode.

The manufacturers had access to Vista Beta code for over a year before
Many chose to do nothing or waited to long to support their customers
who wanted Windows Vista.
Please. You have to speak in specifics. You have not. You are speaking
generalities. I know you are upset but without precise knowledge as to what
your "specific" problems are, no one can even begin to assist you.

Having said that, if you are trying to use proprietary I/O modules to
communicate with manufacturing equipment, you WILL need the corresponding
Vista compatible software from the various manufacturers. Remember, as the
manufacturing software was "designed" for DOS, Windows 98x, Windows XP - so
must there be specific interfacing software designed for the use within

If there is none available, you would be well advised to stick with what
works, whether it be DOS, Win98 WinXP or whatever. Sometimes moving forward
is a step backward - until the way has been paved by those who are able to
do so (read the manufacturers).



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
I read his reply and could not find any rudeness, which is more than I can
say about your reply.

Call me what you wish. No problem.

Ken, you will have gathered that there is no official Microsoft presence in
these newsgroups. It's just users like you and me trying to help each other

To be fair to Microsoft, the hardware manufacturers have had a LONG time to
prepare their Vista drivers. The fact that some haven't managed it yet says
more about them than about Microsoft.

Note that hardware manufacturers are far more interested in selling new
hardware than keeping their old hardware working by upgrading the drivers.
There's a balance, of course, but if you are forced to upgrade to their
latest product in order to get Vista functionality it works rather well for

It sounds like you use rather specialised peripheral equipment. It may be
that you'll have to stick with XP, although that isn't a great loss.
Incidentally, I'm pretty sure you won't invalidate the warranty by
installing XP on your laptop.

One last point: it is a bit silly to insist that XP drivers should work in
Vista. The XP driver architecture has big security holes in it, which Vista
tries to plug, hence the need for new drivers for most of the hardware.

If I were you I'd do two things. I would lobby your hardware manufacturers
to get Vista drivers out of them; and I would talk to the laptop supplier to
see what they think about a change to XP as a fallback option.

Finally, if you post a specific description of exactly what is causing
problems, it may be that someone here will be able to help. There are some
pretty bright folks around here (as well as plenty of childish idiots, of

Sir : If you are indeed in the business of electronics repair one would
assume you have "experience" with computers....Why would you purchase a
computer with Vista without researching to make sure your " drivers" will
work ?? As we are all volunteers on this site and not mind readers it is
hard to understand exactly what problem you are having without a little
clarity on your part....Please be a little more specific in your
request...As you will find in other posted replies here you need to
understand that you cannot nor have you ever been able to take parts of one
brand of lets say a TV and put it in another without modification...Vista is
written differently than xp so why would you be able to just use the same
"drivers" in it. ? Microsoft does indeed make it extremely easy to use their
products in "real world applications" providing your prepared to make
adjustments to it....Basically you own a boat and you went out and purchased
a car and are now trying to power the car with the outboard motor.....It
would not work would it ??