Hi Plun, Hope your well,
The user you helped would of already had a Trojan Infection by the time they
noticed the desktop wallpaper changing to the spyware warning and the icons
on the taskbar (SystemTray) showing the messages :
"Windows has detected spyware activity- Click here"
"Windows has detected a spyware infection and will now download the latest
Antispy remover"
"Your Computer is infected, Click here to protect your computer"
These are caused on most systems by a Trojan file named
intel32.exe/intell32.exe which is the taskbar icon so the damage was already
done by the time they became aware of any changes. If he wouldn't of clicked
the icon the trojans would of still started up everytime he rebooted and
attempted to download the other trojan components which hook into explorer to
start with windows so its ends up being a few files all protecting each other
from being removed or stopped, The trojans can also change the homepage and
delete all BHO's on the system so it does make it difficult to download the
tools needed to remove the junk once its infected the pc, by left clicking
the icon it can automatically start the download of PSguard/ Spysheriff.
I agree MSAS do need to target these Trojans as they could prevent alot of
problems for users by blocking it with the RealTime Protection, I tested PS
Guard earlier today and MSAS didnt find any problems with me installing it
except for a blue pop up asking if I wanted to allow it to add a start up
entry once it had installed, Its abit confusing as MSAS does target a very
small amount of the registry entries but not the files/folder or the registry
HKLM/software folder and run command for PS Guard. Ewido didnt find a problem
with the files in C:drive either but detected a few registry entries. Spybot
and Adaware didnt detect PSGuard at all on the system.
MS Antispy detected these:
PSGuard Potentially Unwanted Software
Status: Removed
High threat - High-risk items have a large potential for harm, such as loss
of computer control, and should be removed unless knowingly installed.
Infected registry keys/values detected
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{265C2AF8-C94C-4AFF-B2B6-340D3982562C}\InprocServer32 C:\Program Files\P.S.Guard\Core.dll
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{265C2AF8-C94C-4AFF-B2B6-340D3982562C}\MiscStatus 0
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{265C2AF8-C94C-4AFF-B2B6-340D3982562C}\ToolboxBitmap32 C:\Program Files\P.S.Guard\Core.dll, 119
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{265C2AF8-C94C-4AFF-B2B6-340D3982562C}\Version 1.0
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{C5B70256-5B08-4056-B84E-C6CE084967F5}\InprocServer32 C:\Program Files\P.S.Guard\Core.dll
C:\Documents and Settings\Andy Manchesta\Application Data\PSGuard.com ->
C:\Documents and Settings\Andy Manchesta\Application Data\PSGuard.com\
Which still left all the dll files in the program files folder in place plus
the add/remove screen entry, Using that removed the files and desktop icon
easy enough .It was Ccleaner running on Issues that detected the Run key was
still in place as the rest had been removed.
Its not spyware so I understand why the scanners are not fully removing it
and in Adaware's/ Spybots case not even detecting it but it is rogue and the
results are a joke when I tried it today detecting 8 cookies and not showing
them as cookies or giving the location but showing they are critical spyware
files and then dispalying a warning that I need to pay as my every move is
being monitored
Regarding the original post about not wanting to install MSAS because of the
infection I personally think its a good idea to install them on all your
systems as its amazing the amount of problems it can stop and my opinion is
that its a valued addition to my pc security even at this early stage of the
beta process.
Things can only get better for MS Antispy and I'm sure it will perform well
on any system and would rate as good as any other remover even paid versions
in the amount of malware it can detect and remove, With it being free
protection I think all users should consider installing it and seeing for
themselves how well it does.