Why force a connection string scope to be application?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steven Bolard
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Steven Bolard


Im using VS2005. Microsoft have got some great support for application
settings and the changes to system.configuration and associated support
mechansims seems to be pretty damn good.
What i dont get is why they stupidly force all VS application setting
support of type connection string to be of application scope.

Im the developer. I'll choose thank you very much. I know what i need.
Microsoft have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory on this one.

I have an application specifically designed for distributor of similiar
products for different brands. Customer wants to keep the datasets separate
because they are essentially two different companies.
Customer doesn't need to buy two front end licenses, just two back end
licenses to achieve this. Customer want therefore to switch between
databases and therefore want to switch connection strings.

It seems Microsoft force me to keep using my code rather than leveraging VS
to "do this for me". Why because connection string support is application
scope and application scope settings are readonly.
Sure i can edit VS generated code but can anyone tell me one good reason why
i should have too?

Its stupid.

Sure i can edit VS generated code but can anyone tell me one good reason
why i should have too?

I can tell you several:

Because you want something slightly out of the scope of what Visual Studio
does for you. For the same reason that you have to write any of your own
code at all. Because tools are just that: tools. Because computers aren't
intelligent enough to do everything you can do and force you out of a job.
Because if Microsoft made tools that did everything you and everyone else
seem to want them to, (1) They would be much too complicated to use, and (2)
You wouldn't be able to afford to buy them.

When I started programming I used DOS Edit and a command-line compiler. As
time went by and my skills improved to the point where I could start making
money from my work, I upgraded, and the tools that are available evolved.
But I'm grateful that I had to go through those times, because I learned a
lot about how computers and software work. And I never complain when I don't
have a tool because I can darned well build my own if I need to (and often

I don't expect anything from anyone except myself. And when it's all said
and done, the bottom line is the bottom line. You either produce or you
don't. And your client isn't going to pay you regardless of whether you
produce or not. Your client (or boss) isn't going to accept any excuses,
like "It's Microsoft's fault for making software that doesn't do what I want
it to." You have to learn to be a Chicken Salad Alchemist, making Chicken
Salad out of Chicken s**t. And you have to accept the fact that what you do
will be the only reason that you will succeed or fail. By the time you reach
retirement age your mother and father, and anyone else who can provide a
parachute for you will be long gone. There's no better time to start
preparing for that eventuality than today.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Professional Chicken Salad Alchemist

I recycle.
I send everything back to the planet it came from.

I dunno how seriously im supposed to take your answer so i guess the best
bet is too pretty much ignore it.

If anyone else knows a "technical" reason why connection strings are
forced-scoped as application read-only types please advise.

How seriously are we supposed to take your question? What is it that you
are complaining about anyway?

What is it that you are using that forces connection strings to be
application scoped read-only? The way I use connection strings there is
no such limitations, they are just strings like any other strings. I can
create a connection string dynamically if I want to, and the scope could
be local to the method that connects to the database.
What is it that you are using that forces connection strings to be
application scoped read-only?

Visual Studio 2005.

The way I use connection strings there is
no such limitations, they are just strings like any other strings.

Im not interested in the way "you" use connection strings. I already have a
working implementation that does the job probably using pretty much the
same logic as yourself.

Please if you're unable to provide an answer to that question then dont
respond. With respect to this thread Im not interested in the programmatic
preachings of someone who either has way to much time on his hands or was
attempting to lay out some long winded satire that didn't quite translate.

Nor am I interested in alternative mechanisms to achieve the outcome. As
stated i already have one.

I "am" interested in why Microsoft has made connection strings in the VS
2005 > My Project > Settings designer of type application scope,
not just by default but by force. I can see no good technical reason for
this other than someones personal preference.
In which case to me it seems stupid to narrow the options without good
reason.... not that it would be the first time.

On the other hand if someone can enlighten me with what I dont already know
then perhaps i can learn something new.

To make an analogy. Someone has surrounded his pool with a fence. Im not
interested in the different types of fence that could be built.
Im not interested in the philosophies and life practices of a fence builder.
I want to know why the gate in the fence is so exclusionary.


Working pretty hard to maintain your idiot accreditation aren't you, Steve?

Kevin gave you a fairly concise explanation.

But, apparently it's not working the way you want it to.
have one.

And you don't seem to be satisfied with it. So what would the alternative
be, other than an alternative?

Sorry, but that would certainly be a long term endeavor.

Judging by your responses to the two people who tried to answer your
question, I have little faith in your ability to learn something new. Or
anything old, either.

As long as you are willing to only program via pushbutton, the odds are high
that the resulting code will not meet your specific requirements. Step away
from the mouse, Steve, and discover the joys of actually thinking.

Bob Lehmann
Working pretty hard to maintain your idiot accreditation aren't you,

Insults are not neccessary.
Kevin gave you a fairly concise explanation.

No he didn't. He gave me what seems a very arrogant and long winded response
that didn't answer the question at all.
The subject of this thread is:

Why force a connection string scope to be application?

He took a single line "why should I have too", twisted it and tried to turn
that into the subject of thread.

I didn't ask "what do i do now that connection strings are scoped at the
application level."
I didn't say Microsoft were stupid nor useless because their products dont
do everything for me. Thats your twisted rewrite of what i asked.

I said it was stupid, given there appears to be no sound technical
explaination to arbitrarily force scope to application type.
Now if thats all it is.... an oversight, an error then fine. I already have
an implentation that works that will continue to use.
But if there is some sound technical reasoning behind what they have done
then please enlighten me.

But, apparently it's not working the way you want it to.

Bob i dunno about you but Im always looking for a better way to do

have one.

And you don't seem to be satisfied with it. So what would the alternative
be, other than an alternative?

O.k Bob let me spell it out for you since your obviously trying very hard
not to understand.
I have a working alternative to Microsofts implementation of
Application/configuration settings.

As part of an ongoing effort to improve my ability to maintain the code I
have in play and therefore better service my customers,
I am always on the lookout for new and improved methods and means of
gettings things done.

One of the things I have been looking at is how application/configuration
settings can be managed using .net 2.0 and VS 2005.

So as per my previous post when i ask "Why force a connection string to be
scope to be application?", I dont want to hear everything but the answer to
my question.
In other words when i ask how do i make the color red, Im not interested in
an answer that says "Well i dunno but heres how I make the color blue?".

You clearly cannot answer the question and so instead you have a crack at me
for asking it.


Sorry, but that would certainly be a long term endeavor.

With a tutor such as yourself perhaps but im hoping to connect with someone
who can actually has answers.
Judging by your responses to the two people who tried to answer your
question, I have little faith in your ability to learn something new. Or
anything old, either.

Bob can you point out to me the specific line/s in either Kevin or Gorans
response that as you put it "tried to answer my question".
Kevin gave me his personal philosophy on programmatic independance and Goran
started out by telling me that he didn't even understand the question and
then went on to discuss how he handles his connection strings, which
unsurprisingly is not the question i asked.
As long as you are willing to only program via pushbutton, the odds are
that the resulting code will not meet your specific requirements.

Who are you responding too? Where did i say that I am only willing to
program via puishbutton and that Microsoft should do everything for me?
How do you get from a specific question about a specific issue to this
insane idea that I am anti code editor. Your inability to contextualise the
question into anything other than
extreme and somewhat hyperactive exaggeration is astounding.

Do you also believe all muslims are terrorists because Osama is? Try to keep
a perspective Bob or simply dont reply.

Step away
from the mouse, Steve, and discover the joys of actually thinking.

Bob I am "actually thinking". Thats the whole point. Your point on the other
hand seems to be "discover the joys of actually thinking" but for gods sake
dont ask any questions.

Im thinking "why does Microsoft force us to scope a connection string at
application level when it could actually just as easily be scoped as user
Im thinking o.k if need be i can easily craft my own work around (which i
have) but why should i have too when Microsoft are clearly.... "heres a
better way"?
And what pitfuls am I not seeing that a company with
1000's of employees can see. Why have they done that that way? Why shouldn't
I do it the way Im currently doing it? Because if there was nothing wrong
with the way
I am currently doing it why wouldn't that already be supported in a tool
specifically created to handle this particular problem?

Instead why is it specifically and deliberately forced to application scope?
Is it an oversight? Is it an architectural issue at my end? What dont i

Thats what Im thinking Bob. Perhaps someone, such as yourself, who clearly
claims to have a more learned mind than my own can fill in the blanks for
Rather than going off your own tangential agenda about how you despise
wizard based programmers that is? Which is really interesting becuase when i
ask a question about whats going on behind the wizard, whats the rational,
all the self described anti wizard police can respond with is "Dont use
them"...... which sounds alot to me like you dont actually have a clue
either.... despite all your grandstanding.

So can you answer the question or not?


Steven said:
Visual Studio 2005.

Funny, that's what I'm using too. There is absolutely nothing in Visual
Studio that forces connection strings to be application scoped and
The way I use connection strings there is

Im not interested in the way "you" use connection strings. I already have a
working implementation that does the job probably using pretty much the
same logic as yourself.

I'm interrested in the way you are using the connection strings. That's
why I asked. But if you don't want to clarify that, how could anyone
possibly help you?
Please if you're unable to provide an answer to that question then dont
respond. With respect to this thread Im not interested in the programmatic
preachings of someone who either has way to much time on his hands or was
attempting to lay out some long winded satire that didn't quite translate.

I am trying to get the information from you that is needed to answser
the question. The alternative would just be:

"Impossible to answer question. Too little information provided."
Nor am I interested in alternative mechanisms to achieve the outcome. As
stated i already have one.

I "am" interested in why Microsoft has made connection strings in the VS
2005 > My Project > Settings designer of type application scope,
not just by default but by force. I can see no good technical reason for
this other than someones personal preference.
In which case to me it seems stupid to narrow the options without good
reason.... not that it would be the first time.

If you put something in the settings for the application, it will of
course have application scope. I don't see how this could come as a
surprise to you. Put the connection strings elsewhere and you can have a
different scope.
On the other hand if someone can enlighten me with what I dont already know
then perhaps i can learn something new.

To make an analogy. Someone has surrounded his pool with a fence. Im not
interested in the different types of fence that could be built.
Im not interested in the philosophies and life practices of a fence builder.
I want to know why the gate in the fence is so exclusionary.

In this case the gate is exactly as wide as the pool. If you can't get
through the gate, you can't get in the pool. There are hundreds of other
pools that you can use instead.

I just pictured the wheelchair guy in "Little Brittain", insisting on
using this particluar pool, and when they rebuilt it so that it's
possible, he says:

"I can't swim".
Göran Andersson said:
Funny, that's what I'm using too. There is absolutely nothing in Visual
Studio that forces connection strings to be application scoped and

Great then please tell me me how when using My Project > Settings designer,
I can create an application setting of type connection string that is not
forced-scoped to application.
If you put something in the settings for the application, it will of
course have application scope. I don't see how this could come as a
surprise to you.

This is incorrect. They can also be scoped to user type using precisely the
same tool.
Put the connection strings elsewhere and you can have a different scope.

In other words dont use the tool provided for configuration settings? It
still doesn't answer the question of the thread. Why do i have too?
What is Microsofts reasoning and logic behind this? I dont know how else to
say it? I already do it another way. I want to know why Microsoft does it
the way they do it.

I thought it would be a very simple question if not to answer then at least
understand. Take me and my code right out of the equation altogether and let
me repeat.
Why force a connection string to be scoped application? Is there anything
for me to learn here or is it just like that for no particular reason at

There is not neccessarily a sound answer to this question, Microsoft are not
immune to doing stupid or unneccessarily restricitve things.
However after reading a handful of articles on MSDN about the new 2.0
features etc, about the powerful VS2005 support for the configuration
settings, ease of use etc etc,
it was a little disappointing to hit a snag on the first use of tool.
Especially on something so basic.

In this case the gate is exactly as wide as the pool. If you can't get
through the gate, you can't get in the pool. There are hundreds of other
pools that you can use instead.

Thanks. This was understood before my first post. I just wanted to know why
the gate is exactly and only as wide as the pool.

I just pictured the wheelchair guy in "Little Brittain", insisting on
using this particluar pool, and when they rebuilt it so that it's
possible, he says:

"I can't swim".

Yes i've seen that episode. Perhaps the answer to my question can be drawn
from a certain helpful travel agent

Why not? Because "computer says no!"

