Why does Win2000 take forever to shut down?

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I also have Win98se on this same computer. When I click shut down, it
shuts down. Win2000 sits there for darn near a minute, then says
"saving settings", and finally shuts down. I should mention that I
always close all opened programs first (in either OS). There should
not be any settings to save either. All I do is boot up and go
online, or use another piece of software that has been installed for
ages. About the only thing I've done in the past year is upgrade
Firefox. Otherwise it's always the same. There should not be any
settings to save, and no delays in shutting down. I can only assume
some setting is fouled up. I never timed it, but it takes at least 2
minutes to complete shutdown.
Have you checked what is running when shutting down ??

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When I click shut down ......
..... Win2000 sits there for darn near a minute, then says
"saving settings", and finally shuts down.

Take a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/837115 which may help to
troubleshoot the problem.

UPHClean, as mentioned in the article, often fixes this problem plus
there's an automatic detection/fix tool that you can try.
Take a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/837115 which may help to
troubleshoot the problem.

UPHClean, as mentioned in the article, often fixes this problem plus
there's an automatic detection/fix tool that you can try.

There should not be anything running except the operating system
itself. I even disconnect from the net before shutting down. Win98
shuts down almost instantly. It's really annoying to have to wait for
2000, when I'm in a hurry to go somewhere or want to boot to Win98
(dual boot on same computer). While waiting, I often ask myself "WTF
is is doing" -or- "Which part of the words *SHUT DOWN* do you not

I'll read this MS webpage, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt it will
help. As with everything MS does, it makes will make th most simple
task into a two week adventure. It already looks like greek....
So I'm jumping right to the UPHClean download.

I was hoping it was just a simple setting......
Oh wait, this is MS stuff, nothing is simple.............
I'll read this MS webpage, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt it will

When this newsgroup was a "going concern", one of the most common
problems was slow-shutdown. What I suggested was the standard
recommendation of the MVPs ... mostly because it was effective. In
particular, most people reported that UPHClean solved their problem.

However, if that's your attitude when people try to help then "to be
perfectly honest" I don't care whether you read the MS web page or not.
I'll read this MS webpage, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt it will
help. As with everything MS does, it makes will make th most simple
task into a two week adventure. It already looks like greek....
So I'm jumping right to the UPHClean download.

I was hoping it was just a simple setting......
Oh wait, this is MS stuff, nothing is simple.............

You sir are a complete ars with an attitude like that. You were given excellent
advice that something is running in the background and then you put a real amateur
remark like I even shut the Internet down. Read the following. YOU HAVE SOMETHING

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Idiots like this OP drives me nuts. He could not understand that something is
running in the background which he is not aware of. It could be anything from as you
say Anti Malware a Virus program or could be anything. He needs to check and not
think there is nothing. What an idiot this OP is.

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