Why does Visual Interdev get rid of code in the GENERATEDInitializeComponent?!?!?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Kingscott
  • Start date Start date

Mike Kingscott

Coding an ASP.net page, made some changes via the Property Pane, and
the page stops working. ON closer inspection, I'm missing code from
the InitializeComponent call - which is generated by Visual Studio?

Very disappointed!!! Any pointers?

Mike K.
Are you saying that you are editing an ASP .NET page in VisualInterDev?! If
so, then that's your answer.
yeah you don't want to be editing a page from interdev
(a .net page that is)

btw - i worked on a win form app where the designer kept
dropping controls (mostly 3rd party) when multiple panels
existed, some nested, most with splitters seperating
them... (not sure if those details matter but thought i
would mention...)

the ide does write the initialize component routine but
the one thing to remember is you CAN add to it and
manipulate it fairly safely...BUT...you DO NOT want to
change the structure of that routine as it can confuse
the designer...

my solution for you... keep a copy of your
initializecomponent routine in a text file...whenever the
designer drops something just paste it back in... this
worked for me in my aforementioned situation...

good luck.
