One would think that Microsoft would have put a hook in the firewall to
allow Windows Update to function, but nope. If you use outbound protection
it doesn't work until I allow wuapp.exe and svchost.exe to pass through and
then Windows throws a fit because you created a rule that may conflict with
svchost.exe built in internal rules. For now I enable the rule to allow
svchost to pass through when I want to check for updates and then disable
the rule the rest of the time. Is there an easier way around this so I don't
have to do that everytime I want to check for updates?
allow Windows Update to function, but nope. If you use outbound protection
it doesn't work until I allow wuapp.exe and svchost.exe to pass through and
then Windows throws a fit because you created a rule that may conflict with
svchost.exe built in internal rules. For now I enable the rule to allow
svchost to pass through when I want to check for updates and then disable
the rule the rest of the time. Is there an easier way around this so I don't
have to do that everytime I want to check for updates?