why does this throw runtime error 2465

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin
  • Start date Start date


experiementing with vba out of a book

have a command button on a recordsource-less form and am trying to open a
second form with some properties set using With ... End With

cause run-time error 2465 -- application-defned or object-defined error

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim frmSongs As Form
Set frmSongs = Forms!Form1
With frmSongs
.Top = 1000
.Left = 1000
.Width = 5000
.Height = 4000
End With
End Sub
have you stepped thru your code to see what line of code triggers the error?
i didn't find Top or Left listed as form properties, only Height and Width.
see if the code errs at Top.