I'm supporting an application at work. Below are some code segments
that I can't understand how they work. First let me say, I would never
code this standard. I'm just really creeped out that it works.
Here's the setup. I have a function, called GetEmployeeCertifications,
that is going to make a call to a SQL DB and return a result set. This
module calls another function, called FillParameters, to determine if
SQL parameters need to be appended to the command object. The
FillParameters function...
does not have a return value
the command object is not globally defined
and the command object is passed by value not reference
But yet the command object, in the GetEmployeeCertifications function,
has appended to it the parameter objects from the FillParameters
function. How can that be?
Public Shared Function GetEmployeeCertifications(ByVal criteria As
SearchCriteria) As EmployeeCertificationCollection
Dim tblEmployees As New DataTable
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim cmdGetEmployees As New SqlCommand
Dim myDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim employees As New EmployeeCertificationCollection
cmdGetEmployees.Connection = connection
cmdGetEmployees.CommandText = "GetEmployeeCertifications"
cmdGetEmployees.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
FillParameters(criteria, cmdGetEmployees) '<---Here is the
call with no assignment
myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = cmdGetEmployees
Catch ex As Exception
'convert the matching data rows to an
If Not tblEmployees Is Nothing Then
Dim row As DataRow
For Each row In tblEmployees.Rows
End If
End Try
'If they searched by cost center, then return the results
sorted by cost center.
'The results come back from the database ordered by last name.
If criteria.CostCenterFrom.Length > 0 Or
criteria.CostCenterTo.Length > 0 Then
End If
Return employees
End Function
Private Shared Function FillParameters(ByVal criteria As
SearchCriteria, ByVal cmd As SqlCommand)
If criteria.LastName.Length > 0 Then
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@LastName",
End If
If Not (criteria.SiteCode = "ALL" Or criteria.SiteCode.Length =
0) Then
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@SiteCode",
End If
End Function
that I can't understand how they work. First let me say, I would never
code this standard. I'm just really creeped out that it works.
Here's the setup. I have a function, called GetEmployeeCertifications,
that is going to make a call to a SQL DB and return a result set. This
module calls another function, called FillParameters, to determine if
SQL parameters need to be appended to the command object. The
FillParameters function...
does not have a return value
the command object is not globally defined
and the command object is passed by value not reference
But yet the command object, in the GetEmployeeCertifications function,
has appended to it the parameter objects from the FillParameters
function. How can that be?
Public Shared Function GetEmployeeCertifications(ByVal criteria As
SearchCriteria) As EmployeeCertificationCollection
Dim tblEmployees As New DataTable
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim cmdGetEmployees As New SqlCommand
Dim myDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim employees As New EmployeeCertificationCollection
cmdGetEmployees.Connection = connection
cmdGetEmployees.CommandText = "GetEmployeeCertifications"
cmdGetEmployees.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
FillParameters(criteria, cmdGetEmployees) '<---Here is the
call with no assignment
myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = cmdGetEmployees
Catch ex As Exception
'convert the matching data rows to an
If Not tblEmployees Is Nothing Then
Dim row As DataRow
For Each row In tblEmployees.Rows
End If
End Try
'If they searched by cost center, then return the results
sorted by cost center.
'The results come back from the database ordered by last name.
If criteria.CostCenterFrom.Length > 0 Or
criteria.CostCenterTo.Length > 0 Then
End If
Return employees
End Function
Private Shared Function FillParameters(ByVal criteria As
SearchCriteria, ByVal cmd As SqlCommand)
If criteria.LastName.Length > 0 Then
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@LastName",
End If
If Not (criteria.SiteCode = "ALL" Or criteria.SiteCode.Length =
0) Then
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@SiteCode",
End If
End Function