I look forward to your first Operating System which I am sure you are in the process of writing as we speak. Of course, it will be bug and flaw free, and allow complete user controls over its configurations, no matter how silly the configuration is or how much of a hole it creates for miscreants to exploit.
I anxiously await this perfect operating system, after which I am sure you will be publishing the perfect spam-free mail client that still has all the functionality of current mail clients and is not crippled in any way. And, of course, this mail program would be flexible enough to anticipate strategies that are thought of 5 years after the initial coding.
Please, I anxioulsy await your commercial offerings, oh ideal programmer who can do these things now but "people" will not "let" you.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
After furious head scratching, Henrik14 asked:
| Mr. Schmidt, I also have new Outlook but there is nothing like You
| describe there!
| I got this "Junk Mail" option mentioned before, but I was never able
| to find it......
| I also recommended to MS to start hiring professionall programmers to
| make their operating systems, but then there would be no bugs and
| things would be working perfectly, so what would MS sell as new OS to
| users :-((
| Spam mali would be fast finished if user can block unwanted mail, and
| all is necesary is to block mails with same hyperlinks that unwanted
| mail is driving users to read, dont You think? I am professionall
| programmer and I can do it, but You know what? Nobody would let me do
| it, because then webmasters would not earn money on spam and
| pornography
| I can also make inteligent routine for recognition of words that
| spamers use, which would not be confused by extra spaces or speciall
| characters spamers put in to fool spam filters.......
| Also, there should be central database of blocked emails, and when
| 51% of users decide to block something, then this WEB page or even
| server should be shut down permanently! Antivirus control should also
| be put on servers, to stop sending
| viruses, so then there would be no possibility that another computer
| would be infected, is that not so?
| All the best from Marijan Pollak!
| But, as long as MS is leting hackers to find weak spots in their
| programs instead of making sure such dont exist in first place, we
| would all suffer!
| "Patrick Schmid" wrote:
|| Hi Chuck,
|| Go into Tools, Options, Junk Email and switch your junk email filter
|| off. Then close and reopen Outlook and switch the junk email filter
|| back on.
|| Any improvement?
|| Patrick Schmid
|| --------------
|| ||
||| On my initial upgrade to 2003 to 2007 I recieved over 300 spam
||| emails. I can only assume that Outlook 2003 was blocking them and
||| 2007 is not. Why is that? Has anyone experienced similar problems?