Sounds like a simple-enough experiemt -- edit fstab to reboot in ext2
-- but how would this interact with journaling? If the reboot
failed...well then I'd really be up a creek.
I said I THINK it will work. ext3 is simply a journaling version of ext2 but
otherwise identical so I think it will be safe. At least there have been no "you
idiot!" posts ... on this subject at least.
Anyway, it's mainly
curiosity on my part now. But I can't help pointing out that there's
been a tradeoff: hard drive motors used to shut down after a timeout
period as part of the energy-saving regime. Apparently this has been
traded off in favor of preparedness for...what? Lightning strike?
Terrorist attack?
While linux systems don't go down much those lightning strikes in the form of
power line glitches for example often corrupt something on the HD. When
rebooting you get a "disk check forced" and it proceeds while you get some lunch
if just a 40GB HD. Some times you will get a message telling you do it manually
and then if you use the -y option while taking your after lunch nap. OK,
exaggerating but today with most drives over 100GB I would not be. Neither I nor
my son who works in the field have ever found anything recoverable in lost+found
so we see no reason not to use the -y option and then simply delete everything
in lost+found.
The journaling system recovers without forcing a diskcheck and you will get
that message during the boot process something like 'will recover during boot
If you are a company if the computer is a server everyone is waiting around for
the disk check with a non-journaling file system. If you are hosting service you
get angry customers and many fewer 9s on your availability bragging number.
As to power saving it means something on a laptop but it is around 30W on a
desktop, less than a KW-Hr per day. And if it does power down is it not annoying
to wait for it to get back up to speed?
Bush has announced himself as a Christian Zionist.
That means he is a traitor to America.
-- The Iron Webmaster, 3693
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