Why does my computer restart on its own?



Im running Windos XP...... Recently I have been having problems with my computer. It started with the computer restarting itself and then it started shutting down/turning off. I rebooted and got a black screen with a message that had something to do with the temp. and I needed to have my system serviced immediately. I had it cleaned and a new fan put in, and now back online with no error message about the temp. but my system still restarts on its own and also the processor is running constantly like there is a program running (my system is now running very slow)... the light on the front keeps blinking and I can hear the processor running. What could the problem be and how can I fix it. I did a complete reformat (factory settings, not a restore) and have also did all the updates that my system has found but nothing seems to be working. Could it have anything to do with the temp. thing or the power supply going bad? Didnt do this until after I reformatted because of the error about the temperature being to hot and had the fan replaced

Thanks for any help


Im running Windos XP...... Recently I have been having problems with my computer. It started with the computer restarting itself and then it started shutting down/turning off. I rebooted and got a black screen with a message that had something to do with the temp. and I needed to have my system serviced immediately. I had it cleaned and a new fan put in, and now back online with no error message about the temp. but my system still restarts on its own and also the processor is running constantly like there is a program running (my system is now running very slow)... the light on the front keeps blinking and I can hear the processor running. What could the problem be and how can I fix it. I did a complete reformat (factory settings, not a restore) and have also did all the updates that my system has found but nothing seems to be working. Could it have anything to do with the temp. thing or the power supply going bad? Didnt do this until after I reformatted because of the error
about the temperature being to hot and had the fan replaced.

Thanks for any help!


If not temperature related, this sounds very much like a malware infection. I
just helped my sister clean off her computer, with very similar symptoms.

Start (but do not stop) by checking for Blaster / Welchia / Nachi infection.

If your computer is constantly attempting to shutdown or reboot:
Start - Run, type "shutdown -a", and hit Enter.
That should halt the reboot. Now fix the problem.

Immediately turn-on Windows XP's built-in Firewall:

Download and install Security patch KB824146:

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm:

And about the Welchia worm:

Download and run the Blaster and Welchia worm removal tool (Windows 2K/XP):

After eliminating Blaster etc as a problem, continue by looking for additional

How current is your virus protection? Try these free online virus scans:

Now check for, and learn to defend against, additional carriers of infection.

First, download LSP-Fix and WinsockXPFIx from <http://www.cexx.org/lspfix.htm>,
and CWShredder from <http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4086.html>. Both free.

Next, run CWShredder. Have it fix all variants.

Now check for, and remove, spyware. Get HijackThis
<http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=3155> and Spybot S&D
<http://security.kolla.de/index.php?lang=en&page=download>. Both free.
1) Install and run Spybot. First update it ("Search for updates"), then run a
scan ("Check for problems"). Trust Spybot, and make all recommended deletions.
2) Install and run HijackThis. Do NOT make any changes immediately. Save the
HJT Log.
3) Have your HJT log interpreted by experts at one or more of the following
forums (and post it here):

If removal of any spyware affects your ability to access the internet (some
spyware builds itself into the network software, and its removal may damage your
network), run LSP-Fix.

Harden your browser. There are various websites which will check for
vulnerabilities, here are three which I use.

Harden your operating system. Check at least monthly for security updates.

Block possibly dangerous websites with a Hosts file. Three Hosts file sources I
(The third is included, and updated, with Spybot (see above)).

And Teddy, please don't contribute to the spread of email address mining
viruses. Learn to munge your email address properly, to keep yourself a bit
safer when posting to open forums. Protect yourself and the rest of the
internet - never post your address unmunged.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.


Thanks Chuck for the helpful info on my computer troubles and the email tip. I didnt know if i could change it like that. I will try your suggestions tomorrow after work and letcha know how I make out. Had a new problem tonight when I got on the computer, I tried to go into regedit but it wont stay open for more than 15 to 20 seconds at most before closing out/disappearing. Any idea's what might be going on with that?


Thanks Chuck for the helpful info on my computer troubles and the email tip. I didnt know if i could change it like that. I will try your suggestions tomorrow after work and letcha know how I make out. Had a new problem tonight when I got on the computer, I tried to go into regedit but it wont stay open for more than 15 to 20 seconds at most before closing out/disappearing. Any idea's what might be going on with that?


The problem with Regedit (and a number of other system processes) is a known
result of infection by any of a number of viruses - an intentional result.

Search (for example only) for "W32.Gaobot.ADN attempts to terminate" in:

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.

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