Hi. I have a query that seems to work but I don't
understand how I'm getting the right answer every time. I
have a formula that calculates sales orders between two
dates. I'm using the Abs function and I don't understand
how I'm able to get away with not turning all of my sales
returns (negative values) into positives by mistake. It
works fine. Anyone know why? Thanks!!
DollarsShipped: Nz(Sum(Abs(([InvoiceDate] Between [Forms]!
[Dashboard]![FirstDayOfTrendPeriod] And [Forms]!
understand how I'm getting the right answer every time. I
have a formula that calculates sales orders between two
dates. I'm using the Abs function and I don't understand
how I'm able to get away with not turning all of my sales
returns (negative values) into positives by mistake. It
works fine. Anyone know why? Thanks!!
DollarsShipped: Nz(Sum(Abs(([InvoiceDate] Between [Forms]!
[Dashboard]![FirstDayOfTrendPeriod] And [Forms]!