Why do you read and write computer reviews? Your opinion needed!

Jun 13, 2011
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My name is Kim and I am a masters student from Warwick Business School in the UK. To complete my degree i have to produce a project on electronic word-of-mouth, particularly what motivates people to participate in product review forums (both to read and write) and what influences product adoption after reading reviews.
As you all like to discuss computers i would really appreciate it if you could take my online survey (it takes less than 5 minutes!). It would really help me with my work and is completely anonymous. The link is below, and is 100% safe as the survey is produced through my university.


Again i would really appreciate it and thank you for taking the time to read this post!

Hi Kim welcome to the site :DI have filled out your survey and it was an interesting exercise, I hope all goes well with your dissertation and you get the grades you want. Good Luck:thumb:
Only one week left to collect questionnaire results so i would really appreciate another surg of respondents to help bump up my numbers! Thanks! :thumb:

Since you asked so politely... :fool:

This is the last time I am going to bother you! 1 last day to get a surge of respondents please!