Windows 2000/3 makes is a truly abysmal file server.
It is a write-only system, once permissions have been applied for a resource
there seems to be no provision for the ready analysis of these. Looking at
Groups (or Users) in AD conveys no information. Information from disk can be
gleaned only by laboriously examining each folder in turn. In NetWare this
information was to hand in either NWAdmin or from the file system. Also with
NetWare you could carry out all administration from one place, with Windows
this is split between AD and the file system.
With NetWare, put permissions on a folder and the path to that folder
appeared to the user. Not with Windows, we have to go through the ponderous,
time-consuming process of navigating a path for the user to the folder.
Add to this the need to stop and copy inheritance in order to remove
inherited access from a folder, with NetWare – you simply edited the
This is not to say that Windows is without its qualities but as a file
server it is nothing more than an overgrown Windows for Workgroups – utterly
By the way – NetWare was also a more efficient print server.
It is a write-only system, once permissions have been applied for a resource
there seems to be no provision for the ready analysis of these. Looking at
Groups (or Users) in AD conveys no information. Information from disk can be
gleaned only by laboriously examining each folder in turn. In NetWare this
information was to hand in either NWAdmin or from the file system. Also with
NetWare you could carry out all administration from one place, with Windows
this is split between AD and the file system.
With NetWare, put permissions on a folder and the path to that folder
appeared to the user. Not with Windows, we have to go through the ponderous,
time-consuming process of navigating a path for the user to the folder.
Add to this the need to stop and copy inheritance in order to remove
inherited access from a folder, with NetWare – you simply edited the
This is not to say that Windows is without its qualities but as a file
server it is nothing more than an overgrown Windows for Workgroups – utterly
By the way – NetWare was also a more efficient print server.