Why is it necessary to install dll and ocx files in the system
directory? Wouldn't they work in the program's own directory?
Unfortuneately it is not necessary to install them there but thanks to the
acceptance of sloppy coding by Microsoft & other companies over the years....
this is what we have now and most people accept it. I & many others don't. We
know better but convincing the rest of the world to go this route is an uphill
From a programming point of view, there is absolutely NO need to install
anything outside the programs own directory. If it can't run without improperly
hooking into the OS, then the programmer needs to go back to the beginning &
learn proper coding (assembly

not the quick & dirty bloatware coding that is
all too prevalent today.
C, C++, Visual C, Visual Basic, etc... are all nice gui tools & can build good
programs but they all have a major flaw in that they want to hook into the
existing OS improperly. With these new tools, trying to build a standalone app
that installs into its own directory with no external links is next to near
Majority of my code & other programs that I enjoy installing are extracted into
their own directory & run just fine from where they reside. They are also OS
independent & will survive countless OS installs without worrying about the
registry entries. Software runs faster & is more stable with this method too.
Too bad all software wasn't this easy
I am slowly seeing some new programmers trying this approach, time proven &
original method, of software design but sadly; it is a dying programming art.