Mark F
What is the use of additional memory inside of a printer?
I just installed an OKI C3400n printer on my network.
I noticed that it has 32MB of memory and the manual says
"Additional memory, to allow printing of more complex pages"
is available.
Will a page either print or run out of memory, or
is it possible for some pages printing will slow
down but still succeed?
Does anyone know of a way of making pages that are
complex as far as the OKI C3400n is concerned?
I don't think fonts are stored in the printer,
in which case fonts will not take space.
I can't tell the watermark, if present, is stored in
the printer, but I don't think that they can be very big
compared to 32MB.
This leaves the page image itself. If I make a random
color image that is the size of the printing area of the
largest possible paper, 8.5 inches by 1200 mm (about 47.24 inches),
this use the maximum memory? If not, what do I need to do
to make a more "complex" page?
(Only had it for 1/2 day: easy to install, prints nice,
reasonably fast printing but power on to print ready is
long. Buy another printer for replacement parts except for
the 4 cartridges. NOT a 35000 page/month printer unless 2
overhauls per month is your idea of what is part of a
design duty cycle.)
I just installed an OKI C3400n printer on my network.
I noticed that it has 32MB of memory and the manual says
"Additional memory, to allow printing of more complex pages"
is available.
Will a page either print or run out of memory, or
is it possible for some pages printing will slow
down but still succeed?
Does anyone know of a way of making pages that are
complex as far as the OKI C3400n is concerned?
I don't think fonts are stored in the printer,
in which case fonts will not take space.
I can't tell the watermark, if present, is stored in
the printer, but I don't think that they can be very big
compared to 32MB.
This leaves the page image itself. If I make a random
color image that is the size of the printing area of the
largest possible paper, 8.5 inches by 1200 mm (about 47.24 inches),
this use the maximum memory? If not, what do I need to do
to make a more "complex" page?
(Only had it for 1/2 day: easy to install, prints nice,
reasonably fast printing but power on to print ready is
long. Buy another printer for replacement parts except for
the 4 cartridges. NOT a 35000 page/month printer unless 2
overhauls per month is your idea of what is part of a
design duty cycle.)