Farrel said:
I tried using forms. It did not solve the problem.
I still could not change a value in a field.
I have noticed that the ODBC link is allowing me to create a new
record but will not let me edit any record and will not let me delete
a record.
At some stage in trying I saw the message "The Microsoft Jet Database
engine stopped the process because you and another user are
attempting to change the same data at the same time." I am 99% sure
that that is not true.
I am wondering if this has got something to do with whatever Sybase
does to handle timestamping. I know that all our tables in Sybase
have a field recording time and date that a record was created and
they also have a date and time of the last edit. So my question now
becomes. "In the history of the universe has any mortal being ever
ODBC linked - with write functionality - Access to Sybase?"
When doing an ODBC update Access tests to see if the record has been changed
since your editing session of the record began. In most cases it does this
by comparing the before value of every field to the current value of every
field. If there are datatypes that have incompatibilities with Access then
it can be fooled into thinking that a field has been changed when it really
hasn't. This causes the error message you are seeing.
Now, in SQL Server one can add a Timestamp field which is a special binary
type that is updated every time a record is changed. When Access sees that
the table has a Timestamp field it doesn't bother with the field by field
comparison. It just compares the Timestamp field and it's done. Problem
solved (if you are using SQL Server).
You can see as described above that this will only affect bound editing. If
you issue an UPDATE SQL statement to your server there is no before/after
comparisoon going on. The rows are simply updated/deleted by the statement.
If you have an ODBC back end that has DataTypes that raise these issues and
you have no ability to change or eliminate those types them you might be
"stuck" doing all updates via SQL Statements. Some people prefer that
method anyway.