Hi Bob
This is probably intentional behaviour... -1 = true, 0=false when more than
1 bit is used to represent booleans, which may the case for you. The reason
is, that the inverse of true must be false (obviously). So if false is
0000...etc, then true must be 1111.... In binary, 1111...etc represents the
signed integer -1, which answers your question.
Incidently, if true were 1, = 0000...001, then false would be 1111...110
= -2, which would make even less sense
Anyway, in c# and vb.net you can't substitute 0/1 for false/true the way
it's done in c/c++. It's a pain, but makes the code more readable.
-- and if you wonder why 11111... = -1, try doing math with the following
without paying attention to signs:
Consider only 3 bit signed integers. 000 = 0, 001 = 1, 010 = 2, 011 = 3, 100
= -4, 101 = -3, 110 = -2, 111 = -1. Do some math and you'll notice that you
don't have to consider signs when implementing addition, subtraction and
multiplication. If you have an overflow, you end up with a negative integer.
It also explains why the ranges of numbers vary between -x and x-1 (ie. -128
to 127 for 8 bit signed integers)