Why do I keep harping on about Linux - here is why.


Sep 30, 2005
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Read the following with your adult head on and you will see why I keep going on about Linux.

Penguins in school – Now
Municipality of Noormarkku, Education Services
Principal Esa Kohtamäki
(e-mail address removed)
tel. +358 400 901512
During the last three years, we have improved the computer education we provide and our school
network using open source software and LTSP technology. This has dramatically increased the use and
effectiveness of computers at our school, and we have managed to reduce costs to a fraction of what
they used to be. We have created a website that is open to everyone so that anyone can share the
benefits and contribute to developing the expanding network with other interested people.
Using LTSP technology, we have built a network in our school (500 students and 40 teachers) with
more than 90 remote terminals (i.e., we have achieved the target student-to-computer ratio defined in
the Information Society Programme).
All students and staff members have a personal username and password they can use to access a
personal desktop, home folder (with unrestricted size), e-mail, web, office applications (OpenOffice),
image processing (Gimp) and educational and training software.
As a result, the need for computers has increased so much that we will add another computer room to
the currently existing two computer rooms and one media/library room. Moreover, there is at least one
terminal in each classroom. In other words, computer use has increased dramatically compared to the
time before this project when the computer hardware we had was barely usable. We used to suffer from
recurring software malfunctions, computer instability, excessive size of software and limited funds for
updating hardware and software, pranks by students, etc. As a result, the teachers were increasingly
unwilling to use computers, the computer teacher had to spend his spare time at the school, and the
cost of continuous maintenance was heavy on the schools finances.
Thanks to our development work, however, all this is behind us now.
The computer teacher needs only four weekly hours to maintain and update the school's computers,
train staff and do the same to the 25 computers of the school next door and its staff, too!
We have placed our old computers back in use without needing to invest in updating them. We have
also helped schools in neighbouring municipalities (Pomarkku, Siikainen) to reach the same stage in
development and they have been able to set up their computer rooms simply by acquiring a server
(EUR 2,500) and a low-cost switch. They have hooked up their old computers to the new server at a
very low cost: for example, a new network adapter costs EUR 7.
The Satakuntaliitto, the Regional Council of Satakunta, provided the municipality of Noormarkku with
EUR 42,000 to launch the project. We used the monies to initiate a project to introduce open source
software to Satakunta's schools. We have just recently created a website (www.antarktis.fi) and will add
material during summer. In the autumn we will contact decision-makers and schools in Satakunta to talk
to them about the successes achieved in this project.
[font=arial,sans-serif]Page 4[/font]
During this spring, we helped to create corresponding systems in the municipalities of Nauvo, Paimio,
Valkeakoski and Eura. During last year, 28 different groups visited our school to see and learn about
our system. Some of them have already set up a corresponding system in their school (for example in
the new Vitikkala school in Jämsänkoski).
The development project has been largely managed by Alpo Välimaa and Janne Karjanlahti.
- Antarktis (project site)
- Finpyy school, Noormarkku
Jury's judgement
Drawing upon the local resources, the practice makes efficient use of available software and
existing hardware to serve the needs of the Education Services of the municipality of Noormarkku.
The jury appreciated Noormarkku's active role in publicising the project within the public sector and
the fact that it has also assisted other municipalities in adopting and using the practice.
Why did I post the above ? It was because Urmas sent me a link to a very disturbing story.


You really shoud read it.

Now I do not know if the story is real or not. I have a feeling it is. However the story about the Finnish school is.

I think that there is room enough in the world for Microsoft and Linux. That is what freedom is all about , having the ability and oportunity to make a choice.

I also belive that the world would be a better place if the Linux philosophy were the dominant force in world computing.


Vikings love penguins.

Abarbarian said:
Now I do not know if the story is real or not. I have a feeling it is.

Oh, I believe it's true. See, Helios aka Ken is one of those Holy Fools; a quote from Nov 29:
To date this year, we have built and placed 315 Linux computers with kids that normally would not have been able to afford a computer for their school work.
Now that is very good news. So even poor folk can get to play with pc's. An I'm guessing that will be 315 pc's that did not end up as landfill. So penguins help to save the planet aswell .

Well that very disturbing story reads like total rubbish, the guy is obviously anti-establishment.

The whole thing reads like an advert for Linux, me i have no problem with Linux and use Ubuntu but that story is just hammering Microsoft because it can.

Saying that the school is like a prison, personally i think his views are dangerous, freeing people from Windows???, and the comments at the bottom are just people sucking up to him.

Yeah Linux is free and i'm sure is some ways it is better than Windows but in a lot of ways and i mean a hell of a lot Windows is better than Linux. I myself wasted a whole day trying to get Mandriva free spring to go on the internet.

However i will give him a clap for his charity work.
Linux devotees are, in their own way, just as pathetic as supporters of Bill Gates money-maker.

Me, I'll just use what works, no bias.

Having said that, Linux distros atm are really rather good, Vista Home Premium costs around £100.00.

Microsoft are the richest company on the planet.

Think about it :)
Waynos_Face said:
Well that very disturbing story reads like total rubbish, the guy is obviously anti-establishment.

The whole thing reads like an advert for Linux, me i have no problem with Linux and use Ubuntu but that story is just hammering Microsoft because it can.

Saying that the school is like a prison, personally i think his views are dangerous, freeing people from Windows???, and the comments at the bottom are just people sucking up to him.

Yeah Linux is free and i'm sure is some ways it is better than Windows but in a lot of ways and i mean a hell of a lot Windows is better than Linux. I myself wasted a whole day trying to get Mandriva free spring to go on the internet.

However i will give him a clap for his charity work.

I'm suprised that you think that.

So you think that it is ok for a teacher to be so out of touch with current times and for that teacher to ban legaly obtained material and for that teacher to spread total and utter rubish views under the cloak of her supposed knowledgable position of power.
An I guess the Finnish community mention in my first post are just a buch of halfwits and linux freaks aswell. I guess they must be as they did not work their balls of to supply Microsoft with even more loot, an I bet they frittered the money away on something on something non microsoft , ugh how disgusting. Never mind what they are doing to their childrens minds and futures. Fancy telling and showing them that there is a alternative to Microsoft.Disgusting ain't it.
Mebees they should stand up against a wall all the folk who use linux or even think about it and shoot em. After all what use are they ? They don't support the Microsoft way of buy now and throw it away in a few years and buy again so that the rich can remain rich. Oh no these degenerates want to tinker with things for free and give them away for free, an worse they want to try and give poor folk a chance in the world. How disgusting. Thats pure anarchy and it must be stopped as it will upset the balance of power nad threatens the rich. Something that must not be tollerated. For as we all know the rich are superior beings and the poor must be kept in their place.

You say you spent a day trying to install and run Mandriva an you could not get it to work so it must be rubbish. I know someone on this site who spent good money on Vista and spent ages trying to get it to work overcoming all sorts of problems. Is that rubbish too ? Or is that acceptable as we all know that Microsoft is the best in the world or so their advertising tells us.

Freedom !! Who needs it when you can work and die to supply the needs of the rich and powerful despots who think that they rule the world.

Yeah i do, my girlfriend is a teacher and she is not allowed to even to touch the kids to seperate a fight, isn't allowed to put plasters on cuts, so if a teacher sees a kid handing out cds in class then yeah they get confiscated too many things can come back at you.

Mate its wayyyy over the top, all i'm saying is that the guy can write how his son had some copies of linux confiscated in class without resorting to such language, however we live in a freeish country so really he can say what he wants.

I just think his views are extreme and he is clearly championing Linux instead of just saying what happened and its only one side if it isn't made up which it probably is.

Yeah i think Windows is exspensive, they could probably sell it for £10 and still make billions but thats not the point is it, its a Business, no-one started a business to lose money.

Microsoft have a computers for schools program, Bill Gates has donated $36 billion of his own money to charity.

Anywho the guy probably wins anyway as at least we are debating about it.

Big business will always win you are not going to change that, people tried that and failed already, well a few times.
The woman has written to the guy and not only is she misinformed she clearly states as fact a load of old rubbish and the threatens the guy with legal action. Not a very nice way for a supposed educator of children to act.

No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful.

I will research this as time allows and I want to assure you, if you are doing anything illegal, I will pursue charges as the law allows. ( she obviously did not take the time to google for this then)

This is a world where Windows runs on virtually every computer and putting on a carnival show for an operating system is not helping these children at all. I am sure if you contacted Microsoft, they would be more than happy to supply you with copies of an older verison of Windows and that way, your computers would actually be of service to those receiving them..." ( she has never heard of Russia, South America, India etc where linux is used widely)

The chap replies.

"I suppose I should, before anything else, thank you. You have given me the opportunity to show others just what a battle we face in what we do. "We" being those who advocate, support and use Free Open Source Software and Linux in particular.

If you find my following words terse or less than cordial, take a breath and prepare yourself...what I have to say to you are soft strokes to your hair in comparison to what you are about to experience."

He is polite and states his case elequently and with conviction and it is based on truthfull facts. Seems ok to me. Should he have lied threatened or bullied as is the microsoft way.

As to winning I'm not advocating stopping all buisness. I'm standing for freedom of choice. Linux folk do not want to stop anyone from selling stuff. Microsoft on the other hand will try any dirty trick they can to end up as the only provider of OS's and related software. They want total control and that my friend is not a good thing.

All of the above is only a side issue for the reason for posting this thread.

The main impetus in posting was to show folk that a community has decided to use FREE software for the betterment of the whole community and that their idea works. No mention of hating microsoft or wanting to put them out of bussiness.

Before we clearly define lines between angels and demons here, perhaps you should all read this blog from Helios, it goes someway to explaining the true situation.

We see ignorance, enlightenment, understanding and tolerance.

Blog the second

An extract:

The student did get his Linux disks back after the class. The lad was being disruptive, but that wasn't mentioned. Neither was the obvious fact that when she saw a gaggle of giggling 8th grade boys gathered around a laptop, the last thing she expected to see on that screen was a spinning cube.

She didn't know what was on those disks he was handing out. It could have been porn, viral .exe's...any number of things for all she knew. When she heard that an adult had given him some of the disks to hand out, her spidey-senses started tingling. Coupled with the fact that she truly was ignorant of honest-to-goodness Free Software, and you have some fairly impressive conclusion-jumping.

In a couple of ways, I am guilty of it too.
"In a couple of ways, I am guilty of it too."

Me too.

Time to jump of me soap box methinks.

Its good to have a rant every now and again though.

What can I do now though ?

Hmmmmmm !!!!!

Mebees I'll go suck on a Mint or play with Mandy.
