Here is an opinion with a lot of history.
First the history
- Started with DBase II - Ok - did a successful project - 2 tables open at
one time was pretty limiting.
- Moved up to DBase III - much better - 10 tables open - major break through
- Multi-user with DBase III+ - panic time with corrupted indicies - ok, got
it to work processing $100 million/yr insurance
- Multi-user FoxPro - much better.
- Progress (character based) - talk about fast, reliable and no breakage -
even in a fire!
- Access 2.0, Access 95, Access 97 and on - really fast development,
unreliable multi-user and slow
- VB6 - Fast but really painful in development - 10 times the cost compared
to Access. Rates not acceptable for user desktop deployment - can we say
"DLL Hell".
- Back to Access with a really cool VB DLL for datamarshalling disconnected
data resulting in a network speed improvement of 125 times and 100%
reliability! That's correct - 125 times faster.
Now for Dot Net
- Most painful learning curve ever - be forwarned.
- VS 2005 IDE is really slow! Make sure you have source code control in case
your project gets corrupted.
- The end results are absolutely incredible. I'm doing stuff I've never been
able to do before. (can we say multi-threading and fantastic user interfaces
thanks to
- ADO.NET is amazing. Disconnected datasets are a joy to work with. (Just
happens to mirror Access on steroids)
- Development time - for me this is the interesting part. Once you figure
out how to do the data marshalling, it appears development time is maybe
1.25 times as compared to MS Access. That's acceptable.
- And finally - desktop deployment - goodby DLL HELL.
If you just want to redo an existing application with the same
functionality, it probably is not worth switching.
If you are going to significantly change the functionality or are coming out
with a brand new application - no question - make the switch.