Why can't they get it right ! ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hark
  • Start date Start date


constant crashes send in error reports reboot format reinstall update do
this do that........ crash

These programers are supposed to be the smartest highest paid brightest in
there field and they cannot produce a stable dependable product.
If someone produced a Car or TV or Toaster as unreliable as Microsucks
programers they would be fired.
How many years does it take, its been at least 15 years you would think they
would have gotten it right by now.
Hark said:
constant crashes send in error reports reboot format reinstall update
do this do that........ crash

These programers are supposed to be the smartest highest paid
brightest in there field and they cannot produce a stable dependable
If someone produced a Car or TV or Toaster as unreliable as Microsucks
programers they would be fired.
How many years does it take, its been at least 15 years you would
think they would have gotten it right by now.

Works here.

Perhaps if you posted your specific problems, someone might point you to the
actual malfunction with your system or the alternative you need.
Are you kidding me, you must be, look at this board, look at all of the
others, check the web, millions are having problems with this browser.

After years of dealing with freezes crashes reinstalls and more freezes
calls to techies do this do that I have heard it all and done it all.
The fact is is it is an unstable product and it must have been built that

Although I dont like Opera or Mozilla as much but at least their solid and
dont falter when wind changes direction.

There is no malfunction in my system it is in the product and only the
Hark said:
Are you kidding me, you must be, look at this board, look at all of
the others, check the web, millions are having problems with this

After years of dealing with freezes crashes reinstalls and more
freezes calls to techies do this do that I have heard it all and done
it all.
The fact is is it is an unstable product and it must have been built
that way.

Although I dont like Opera or Mozilla as much but at least their
solid and dont falter when wind changes direction.

There is no malfunction in my system it is in the product and only the

No, I am not kidding. This is a support board. People come here for
assistance. You cannot tell me you came here expecting to see praises. And
the number of posts on these boards in a given month don't come close to
approaching the number of fully functional systems without issues out
there.. And 3/4 of the problems on these message boards are because someone
doesn't understand how to do something, because of some third party
application installed (either on purpose or by malware), defective hardware
(which is what it sounds like you have) and/or lack of basic computing
common sense.

Again, I put forth that if you have a specific issue, please post it so that
someone might assist you. This is a newsgroups where people with computing
experience can help those who might not have as much experience as they do -
and it is free. Without a question or specifics, it is impossible to help.

With freezes and lockups, it might be bad ram, heat related, bad video card
or incompatable drivers. I have even seen defective (although they test
fine) power supplies being replaced and all problems going away. Did you
know that even having something plugged into the PCI slot directly adjacent
to your AGP port on your motherboard could cause unusual results in some

You could also have adware/spyware/malware of some sort. There are dozens
of free scanners out there to help you locate and elimiate them. You might
want to look into trying some of those and using them to also immunize your
system against such threats..

With the Internet so heavily a part of our lives, viruses, worms and trojans
are running rampant. A good antivirus software (maintained) and a decent
firewall (at least the one built into Windows XP) is essential these days.

You can also install other freeware applications to handle SPAM and you can
limit Windows usage of your RAM by disabling some unnecessary services. It
will speed things up and prevent other problems in the future as well - but
be sure to write down what you change, in case you need to reverse it in the

You should also keep your hardware drivers up to date - never get the
hardware drivers from the windowsupdate.microsoft.com site, as the ones from
the manufacturer are usually more reliable and up to date. If you don't
know what hardware you have, you can always go to www.belarc.com and install
and run this application and get that information and much more about your

Some freezes can be temperature related.. if your case is enclosed, airflow
may be a problem.. Open it up, put a fan blowing into it.. Does that help
any - if so - you need more airflow around your PC and check all your fans.

Enough generalizing.. If you have specific problems that someone here might
assist you with, please post them..
Oh please, Whose payrole are you on? This was not personal untill you you
said it sounds like I have a hardware problem what are you a Doctor. Could
be faulty ram or try adding an extra fan. If thats your advice I could have
asked Dear Abby. Then Gee could be a third party application. Oh my God
Don't use anything but Microsoft, what is Bll Gates your Mother? I dont
need your advice you are obviously having sex with someone who works for

One more thing, from June 18 2004 until Today there were 117 Thousand
messages posted to This Group Only and you dont think it might be related to
a faulty product. There is something wrong somewhere and I dont think you
can blame it entirely on an overheated processor.

Results 1 - 100 of about 117,000 from Jun 18, 2004 to today for a

I understand that you do your best to help those who come here and I
thank-you for your suggestions but because you are a regular here you
you are more aware than most at how easily this product can fail. It is an
unstable product period.

If your car radio fails because you drove to another city, went to Shell gas
instead of Chevron turned itself off every time you rolled down the window
you would say theres a problem with the radio not the brakes or the
gasoline... are you sure it wasnt raining? You know you cant turn on the
wipers while the radio is on you could blow a tire!!

Microsoft puts forth excellence in everything accept its browser, it
probably has something to do with its being free. No one would pay for it
the way it is.

Although I made some fun I admire your readiness to help others. Its
Microsloth I have a problem with.

It's a total shame to see that my post balsting MSFT does
not appear. I fully agree with Hark and wish if someone
withheld my message that they post it to the newsgroup.

After all we are living in the US or are we living in the
Middle East with Bill Gates replacing Sadam Hussien.
-----Original Message-----

No, I am not kidding. This is a support board. People come here for
assistance. You cannot tell me you came here expecting to see praises. And
the number of posts on these boards in a given month don't come close to
approaching the number of fully functional systems without issues out
there.. And 3/4 of the problems on these message boards are because someone
doesn't understand how to do something, because of some third party
application installed (either on purpose or by malware), defective hardware
(which is what it sounds like you have) and/or lack of basic computing
common sense.

Again, I put forth that if you have a specific issue, please post it so that
someone might assist you. This is a newsgroups where people with computing
experience can help those who might not have as much experience as they do -
and it is free. Without a question or specifics, it is impossible to help.

With freezes and lockups, it might be bad ram, heat related, bad video card
or incompatable drivers. I have even seen defective (although they test
fine) power supplies being replaced and all problems going away. Did you
know that even having something plugged into the PCI slot directly adjacent
to your AGP port on your motherboard could cause unusual results in some

You could also have adware/spyware/malware of some sort. There are dozens
of free scanners out there to help you locate and elimiate them. You might
want to look into trying some of those and using them to also immunize your
system against such threats..

With the Internet so heavily a part of our lives, viruses, worms and trojans
are running rampant. A good antivirus software (maintained) and a decent
firewall (at least the one built into Windows XP) is essential these days.

You can also install other freeware applications to handle SPAM and you can
limit Windows usage of your RAM by disabling some unnecessary services. It
will speed things up and prevent other problems in the future as well - but
be sure to write down what you change, in case you need to reverse it in the

You should also keep your hardware drivers up to date - never get the
hardware drivers from the windowsupdate.microsoft.com site, as the ones from
the manufacturer are usually more reliable and up to date. If you don't
know what hardware you have, you can always go to
www.belarc.com and install