I attempt to insert rows into a table in SQL Server 2000,
by using SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() of C# .Net. Since
there are many columns in the table, the Insert SQL
statement is very long, leading to the following exception:
CommandText = Insert into job values
-19 00:00:06.000','2003-10-19
00:00:27.000',0,'SpeedCall ','65866077 ',
301989888,0,0,46,0,'SH 1505L ',487498,'1970-01-01
',' ')
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data
would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at dump_tool.Dump_Load.load_rec()
Neither record is written to the database!
Load rec #1 into DB error!!!
However, to be confused, I am able to execute the above
SQL command smoothly on SQL Query Analyzer. In addition,
if I just insert two columns into the table, it can work
as well.
Now I attach my source codes below for your experts'
namespace dump_tool
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
public class Dump_Load
string job_num;
uint fstatus;
uint fstatus1;
uint dm_status;
uint dm_status1;
uint old_job_num;
DateTime entry_time;
DateTime confirm_time;
uint cust_num;
string cust_name;
string account_num;
uint sys_ftypes;
uint sys_ftypes1;
ushort veh_class;
ushort operator_id;
ushort job_fleet;
string license_plates;
uint driver_id;
DateTime pick_time;
uint pick_addrs_id;
ushort quantity;
ushort fi_taxi;
string dest_info;
ushort service_recnum;
ushort jobtype_recnum;
ushort license_recnum;
string phone_1;
string phone_2;
short day_off;
DateTime that_day;
string src_dir;
string dest_dir;
string log_dir;
string src_file;
string dest_file;
string log_file;
DateTime orig_time;
SqlConnection myConnection;
SqlCommand myCommand;
SqlTransaction myTrans;
public Dump_Load(string[] args)
src_dir = args[1];
dest_dir = args[2];
log_dir = args[3];
day_off = Convert.ToInt16( args[0] );
orig_time = new DateTime( 1970, 1, 1, 8, 0,
0 );
that_day = DateTime.Now.AddDays( -day_off );
src_file = src_dir + "\\" + that_day.ToString
("MMMyy").ToLower() + "\\" + Convert.ToString
(that_day.Day) + "\\fares.fl";
dest_file = dest_dir + "\\" + that_day.ToString
("yyyy") + "\\" + that_day.ToString("MMM").ToLower()
+ "\\" + Convert.ToString(that_day.Day) + "\\fares.txt";
log_file = log_dir + "\\logs\\" + that_day.ToString
("yyyy") + "\\" + that_day.ToString("MMM").ToLower()
+ "\\" + Convert.ToString(that_day.Day)
+ "\\dump_load.log";
Console.WriteLine("src_file = {0}", src_file);
Console.WriteLine("dest_file = {0}", dest_file);
Console.WriteLine("log_file = {0}", log_file);
static void Main(string[] args)
if( args.Length != 4 )
Console.WriteLine("Usage: dump_load day_off
src_dir dest_dir log_dir");
Dump_Load dl = new Dump_Load( args );
public void run()
int nBytesRead;
int k;
myConnection = new SqlConnection("server=(local)
myCommand = new SqlCommand();
// Assign the connection property.
myCommand.Connection = myConnection;
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// Open the connection.
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("myConnection.Open() fails!!!");
int num_recs = Convert.ToInt32( new FileInfo
(src_file).Length / 2048 - 1 );
Console.WriteLine( "num_recs = {0}", num_recs );
using( FileStream fs = File.Open(src_file,
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None) )
// Read 2k bytes into an array from the specified
byte[] ByteArray=new byte[2048];
nBytesRead = fs.Read(ByteArray, 0, 2048);
for( k = 1; k <= 1; k++ )
Console.WriteLine( "k = {0}", k );
nBytesRead = fs.Read(ByteArray, 0, 2048);
if( nBytesRead != 2048 )
Console.WriteLine("Read rec #{0} error:
nBytesRead = {1}!", k, nBytesRead);
// Process the kth record
if( !proc_rec( ByteArray ) )
Console.WriteLine("Process rec #{0} error!!!",
if( !load_rec() )
Console.WriteLine("Load rec #{0} into DB
error!!!", k);
if( k % 100 == 0 )
Console.WriteLine("{0} records have been read
from the specified file!", k);
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Rec #{0} fails!!!", k);
// Close the connection.
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("myConnection.Close() fails!!!");
public bool load_rec()
// Begin the transaction.
myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction();
// Assign transaction object for a pending local
myCommand.Transaction = myTrans;
// Insert the first record.
myCommand.CommandText = "Insert into job values(";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
job_num ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
fstatus ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
fstatus1 ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
dm_status ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
dm_status1 ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
old_job_num ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + entry_time.ToString
( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff" ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" +
confirm_time.ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff" ) + "\'"
+ ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
cust_num ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
cust_name ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
account_num ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
sys_ftypes ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
sys_ftypes1 ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
veh_class ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
operator_id ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
job_fleet ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
license_plates ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
driver_id ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + pick_time.ToString
( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff" ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
pick_addrs_id ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
quantity ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
fi_taxi ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
dest_info ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
service_recnum ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
jobtype_recnum ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
license_recnum ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
phone_1 ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
phone_2 ) + "\'" + ")";
Console.WriteLine("CommandText = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Before myTrans.Commit()");
Console.WriteLine("1 record has been written to
the database!");
return true;
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Neither record is written to
the database!");
return false;
public bool proc_rec( byte[] ByteArray )
char[] CharArray = new char[2048];
uint entry_value;
for( int k = 0; k < 2048; k++ )
CharArray[k] = Convert.ToChar( ByteArray[k] );
entry_value = conv_uint( ByteArray, 872, 4 );
Console.WriteLine( "entry_value = {0}",
entry_value );
entry_time = orig_time.AddSeconds( Convert.ToDouble
( entry_value ) );
Console.WriteLine( "entry_time = {0}",
entry_time );
confirm_time = orig_time.AddSeconds(
Convert.ToDouble( conv_uint( ByteArray, 884, 4 ) ) );
pick_time = orig_time.AddSeconds( Convert.ToDouble
( conv_uint( ByteArray, 936, 4 ) ) );
job_num = entry_time.ToString( "yyyy.MM.dd" ) +
Convert.ToString( conv_uint( ByteArray, 0, 4 ) ).PadLeft(
6, '0' );
fstatus = conv_uint( ByteArray, 4, 4 );
fstatus1 = conv_uint( ByteArray, 8, 4 );
dm_status = conv_uint( ByteArray, 12, 4 );
dm_status1 = conv_uint( ByteArray, 16, 4 );
old_job_num = conv_uint( ByteArray, 1836, 4 );
cust_num = conv_uint( ByteArray, 20, 4 );
cust_name = new String( CharArray, 665,
15 ).ToString();
account_num = new String( CharArray, 1506,
13 ).ToString();
sys_ftypes = conv_uint( ByteArray, 40, 4 );
sys_ftypes1 = conv_uint( ByteArray, 44, 4 );
veh_class = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1378, 2 );
operator_id = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 868,
2 );
job_fleet = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1364, 2 );
license_plates = new String( CharArray, 1563,
9 ).ToString();
driver_id = conv_uint( ByteArray, 28, 4 );
pick_addrs_id = 0;
quantity = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1350, 2 );
fi_taxi = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1360, 2 );
dest_info = new String( CharArray, 1949,
41 ).ToString();
service_recnum = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1992, 2 );
jobtype_recnum = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1996,
2 );
license_recnum = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 2000, 2 );
phone_1 = new String( CharArray, 708, 14 ).ToString
phone_2 = new String( CharArray, 728, 14 ).ToString
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Fails in proc_rec()!!!");
return false;
return true;
public uint conv_uint( byte[] ByteArray, int offset,
int nbytes )
uint value = 0;
for( int k = 0; k <= nbytes-1; k++ )
value = value * 256 + Convert.ToUInt32( ByteArray
[offset+k] );
return value;
public ushort conv_ushort( byte[] ByteArray, int
offset, int nbytes )
ushort value = 0;
for( int k = 0; k <= nbytes-1; k++ )
value *= 256;
value += Convert.ToUInt16( ByteArray
[offset+k] );
return value;
by using SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() of C# .Net. Since
there are many columns in the table, the Insert SQL
statement is very long, leading to the following exception:
CommandText = Insert into job values
-19 00:00:06.000','2003-10-19
00:00:27.000',0,'SpeedCall ','65866077 ',
301989888,0,0,46,0,'SH 1505L ',487498,'1970-01-01
',' ')
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data
would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at dump_tool.Dump_Load.load_rec()
Neither record is written to the database!
Load rec #1 into DB error!!!
However, to be confused, I am able to execute the above
SQL command smoothly on SQL Query Analyzer. In addition,
if I just insert two columns into the table, it can work
as well.
Now I attach my source codes below for your experts'
namespace dump_tool
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
public class Dump_Load
string job_num;
uint fstatus;
uint fstatus1;
uint dm_status;
uint dm_status1;
uint old_job_num;
DateTime entry_time;
DateTime confirm_time;
uint cust_num;
string cust_name;
string account_num;
uint sys_ftypes;
uint sys_ftypes1;
ushort veh_class;
ushort operator_id;
ushort job_fleet;
string license_plates;
uint driver_id;
DateTime pick_time;
uint pick_addrs_id;
ushort quantity;
ushort fi_taxi;
string dest_info;
ushort service_recnum;
ushort jobtype_recnum;
ushort license_recnum;
string phone_1;
string phone_2;
short day_off;
DateTime that_day;
string src_dir;
string dest_dir;
string log_dir;
string src_file;
string dest_file;
string log_file;
DateTime orig_time;
SqlConnection myConnection;
SqlCommand myCommand;
SqlTransaction myTrans;
public Dump_Load(string[] args)
src_dir = args[1];
dest_dir = args[2];
log_dir = args[3];
day_off = Convert.ToInt16( args[0] );
orig_time = new DateTime( 1970, 1, 1, 8, 0,
0 );
that_day = DateTime.Now.AddDays( -day_off );
src_file = src_dir + "\\" + that_day.ToString
("MMMyy").ToLower() + "\\" + Convert.ToString
(that_day.Day) + "\\fares.fl";
dest_file = dest_dir + "\\" + that_day.ToString
("yyyy") + "\\" + that_day.ToString("MMM").ToLower()
+ "\\" + Convert.ToString(that_day.Day) + "\\fares.txt";
log_file = log_dir + "\\logs\\" + that_day.ToString
("yyyy") + "\\" + that_day.ToString("MMM").ToLower()
+ "\\" + Convert.ToString(that_day.Day)
+ "\\dump_load.log";
Console.WriteLine("src_file = {0}", src_file);
Console.WriteLine("dest_file = {0}", dest_file);
Console.WriteLine("log_file = {0}", log_file);
static void Main(string[] args)
if( args.Length != 4 )
Console.WriteLine("Usage: dump_load day_off
src_dir dest_dir log_dir");
Dump_Load dl = new Dump_Load( args );
public void run()
int nBytesRead;
int k;
myConnection = new SqlConnection("server=(local)
myCommand = new SqlCommand();
// Assign the connection property.
myCommand.Connection = myConnection;
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
// Open the connection.
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("myConnection.Open() fails!!!");
int num_recs = Convert.ToInt32( new FileInfo
(src_file).Length / 2048 - 1 );
Console.WriteLine( "num_recs = {0}", num_recs );
using( FileStream fs = File.Open(src_file,
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None) )
// Read 2k bytes into an array from the specified
byte[] ByteArray=new byte[2048];
nBytesRead = fs.Read(ByteArray, 0, 2048);
for( k = 1; k <= 1; k++ )
Console.WriteLine( "k = {0}", k );
nBytesRead = fs.Read(ByteArray, 0, 2048);
if( nBytesRead != 2048 )
Console.WriteLine("Read rec #{0} error:
nBytesRead = {1}!", k, nBytesRead);
// Process the kth record
if( !proc_rec( ByteArray ) )
Console.WriteLine("Process rec #{0} error!!!",
if( !load_rec() )
Console.WriteLine("Load rec #{0} into DB
error!!!", k);
if( k % 100 == 0 )
Console.WriteLine("{0} records have been read
from the specified file!", k);
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Rec #{0} fails!!!", k);
// Close the connection.
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("myConnection.Close() fails!!!");
public bool load_rec()
// Begin the transaction.
myTrans = myConnection.BeginTransaction();
// Assign transaction object for a pending local
myCommand.Transaction = myTrans;
// Insert the first record.
myCommand.CommandText = "Insert into job values(";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
job_num ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
fstatus ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
fstatus1 ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
dm_status ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
dm_status1 ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
old_job_num ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + entry_time.ToString
( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff" ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" +
confirm_time.ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff" ) + "\'"
+ ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
cust_num ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
cust_name ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
account_num ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
sys_ftypes ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
sys_ftypes1 ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
veh_class ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
operator_id ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
job_fleet ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
license_plates ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
driver_id ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + pick_time.ToString
( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff" ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
pick_addrs_id ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
quantity ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
fi_taxi ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
dest_info ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
service_recnum ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
jobtype_recnum ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += Convert.ToString(
license_recnum ) + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
phone_1 ) + "\'" + ",";
myCommand.CommandText += "\'" + Convert.ToString(
phone_2 ) + "\'" + ")";
Console.WriteLine("CommandText = {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Before myTrans.Commit()");
Console.WriteLine("1 record has been written to
the database!");
return true;
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Neither record is written to
the database!");
return false;
public bool proc_rec( byte[] ByteArray )
char[] CharArray = new char[2048];
uint entry_value;
for( int k = 0; k < 2048; k++ )
CharArray[k] = Convert.ToChar( ByteArray[k] );
entry_value = conv_uint( ByteArray, 872, 4 );
Console.WriteLine( "entry_value = {0}",
entry_value );
entry_time = orig_time.AddSeconds( Convert.ToDouble
( entry_value ) );
Console.WriteLine( "entry_time = {0}",
entry_time );
confirm_time = orig_time.AddSeconds(
Convert.ToDouble( conv_uint( ByteArray, 884, 4 ) ) );
pick_time = orig_time.AddSeconds( Convert.ToDouble
( conv_uint( ByteArray, 936, 4 ) ) );
job_num = entry_time.ToString( "yyyy.MM.dd" ) +
Convert.ToString( conv_uint( ByteArray, 0, 4 ) ).PadLeft(
6, '0' );
fstatus = conv_uint( ByteArray, 4, 4 );
fstatus1 = conv_uint( ByteArray, 8, 4 );
dm_status = conv_uint( ByteArray, 12, 4 );
dm_status1 = conv_uint( ByteArray, 16, 4 );
old_job_num = conv_uint( ByteArray, 1836, 4 );
cust_num = conv_uint( ByteArray, 20, 4 );
cust_name = new String( CharArray, 665,
15 ).ToString();
account_num = new String( CharArray, 1506,
13 ).ToString();
sys_ftypes = conv_uint( ByteArray, 40, 4 );
sys_ftypes1 = conv_uint( ByteArray, 44, 4 );
veh_class = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1378, 2 );
operator_id = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 868,
2 );
job_fleet = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1364, 2 );
license_plates = new String( CharArray, 1563,
9 ).ToString();
driver_id = conv_uint( ByteArray, 28, 4 );
pick_addrs_id = 0;
quantity = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1350, 2 );
fi_taxi = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1360, 2 );
dest_info = new String( CharArray, 1949,
41 ).ToString();
service_recnum = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1992, 2 );
jobtype_recnum = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 1996,
2 );
license_recnum = conv_ushort( ByteArray, 2000, 2 );
phone_1 = new String( CharArray, 708, 14 ).ToString
phone_2 = new String( CharArray, 728, 14 ).ToString
catch(Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Fails in proc_rec()!!!");
return false;
return true;
public uint conv_uint( byte[] ByteArray, int offset,
int nbytes )
uint value = 0;
for( int k = 0; k <= nbytes-1; k++ )
value = value * 256 + Convert.ToUInt32( ByteArray
[offset+k] );
return value;
public ushort conv_ushort( byte[] ByteArray, int
offset, int nbytes )
ushort value = 0;
for( int k = 0; k <= nbytes-1; k++ )
value *= 256;
value += Convert.ToUInt16( ByteArray
[offset+k] );
return value;