-----Original Message-----
yes.. i did open my form in datasheet view and i was NOT
able to edit any of the data... well i AM able to edit my
subform's value (also when i run the form I AM able to
edit my subform data.. just not the rest) Here is my SQL
statement (Note: the user should not be able to make edits
to the username and ID fields):
SELECT tblCheckReq.ID, tblCheckReq.Approvedby,
tblCheckReqAmtsToAccts.Amount, tblCheckReq.PaymentType,
tblCheckReq.PaymentMethod, tblCheckReq.PaymentDueDate,
tblCheckReq.TaxType, tblCheckReq.TaxYear,
tblCheckReq.Company, tblCheckReq.State FROM ((tblCheckReq
INNER JOIN tblCheckReqAmtsToAccts ON tblCheckReq.ID =
tblCheckReqAmtsToAccts.ID) INNER JOIN tblStateTaxDepts ON
(tblCheckReq.TaxType = tblStateTaxDepts.TaxType) AND
(tblCheckReq.State = tblStateTaxDepts.StateAbrv)) INNER
JOIN tblUsers ON tblCheckReq.UserName = tblUsers.UserName
WHERE (((tblCheckReq.ID=[forms]![frmInquiryCheckRequest]!
Help is appreciated! Thanks!
-----Original Message-----
If you open the datasheet of the query that the form is based on, can
you edit/add data to it? It sounds like you are using a non-updateable
query. There are a number of conditions which result in a query not
being updateable, for example the use of aggregate functions. Maybe you
could post back with the SQL view of the query, and someone may then be
able to offer some more specific explanation.
them would be where