I'm afraid this re-statement of my question my have gotten buried in a
lengthy thread. I have been advised that I can edit "every part of" my
chart by double clicking, right-mousing, etc. Doing those things doesn't
get me to the point of being able to edit even the title, never mind the
labels on the X and Y Axis and other things. Here is what I do, can someone
see what the problem might be?
I double click on the chart control, and the border becomes thicker....
like this /////////////// and a grid of chart data appears above it.
- When the chart is in this state, only the title is showing. If I hover
over it, the little tip field (the one that appears when you hover) says
"chart area" just as it does when I hover anywhere else on the chart.
- If I click or double click over the title, or anywhere else on the chart
area, I get a two tab window called "Format Chart Area". One tab says
"Patterns" and the other says "Font."
- If I right mouse, I get a menu containing 4 enabled options, "Format Chart
Area," "Chart Type," "Datasheet View," and "Clear." There are 2 disabled
options, "Chart Options," and "3-D View."
From this can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
lengthy thread. I have been advised that I can edit "every part of" my
chart by double clicking, right-mousing, etc. Doing those things doesn't
get me to the point of being able to edit even the title, never mind the
labels on the X and Y Axis and other things. Here is what I do, can someone
see what the problem might be?
I double click on the chart control, and the border becomes thicker....
like this /////////////// and a grid of chart data appears above it.
- When the chart is in this state, only the title is showing. If I hover
over it, the little tip field (the one that appears when you hover) says
"chart area" just as it does when I hover anywhere else on the chart.
- If I click or double click over the title, or anywhere else on the chart
area, I get a two tab window called "Format Chart Area". One tab says
"Patterns" and the other says "Font."
- If I right mouse, I get a menu containing 4 enabled options, "Format Chart
Area," "Chart Type," "Datasheet View," and "Clear." There are 2 disabled
options, "Chart Options," and "3-D View."
From this can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?