Why can I see my router from one computer with IE6 and not from another?

  • Thread starter Thread starter BobH
  • Start date Start date


When I need to access my router at I can't
get the popup that I can sign in with. But, on another
computer, with an identical browser setup (not really,
the other one is Win ME, but all else is equal.)

Any ideas on what the problem could be?

Do you get any error message at all? What are you trying
to log into? A Linksys router or the like?
No, no error messages, just a page not found message.
Yes, I am trying to get into a D-Link router at the address.

I've tried disabling Norton Anti Virus auto-protect and
have turned off the pop-up blocker.

BobH said:
When I need to access my router at I can't
get the popup that I can sign in with. But, on another
computer, with an identical browser setup (not really,
the other one is Win ME, but all else is equal.)

How is the "popup" implemented? Use View Source on the page
which launches it to get its URL and then see if you can launch it

Which OS on the problem machine? If NTx you could test
connectivity to that address using telnet. E.g. in a command window

telnet 80

If there is connectivity the screen would clear; otherwise you would be
notified of a timeout.

Other OS may be able to do a similar test using utility programs such as
HyperTerminal (e.g. specifying connection via TCP/IP stack instead of
via a Comm port.)

If there is connectivity you can further try to simulate what IE would be
doing with that port by typing at the top of the screen:


(That's GET <space><slash><Enter>. You probably will not be able
see what you are typing.)

Other more exact simulations are possible especially when you have
a trace of the working link.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle