When I first purchased my computer about 3 years ago there were about 200,000
files on it (according to my weekly virus scan). Now there about 575,000. I
suspect that there are some folders or files somewhere on my hard drive with
tens of thousands of useless files that I could delete. Is that true? I am
good about performing regular housekeeping like the disk clean-up and
deleting the temporary internet files and cookies. Any advice would be
greatly appreciated so thanks in advance. ~Christine
files on it (according to my weekly virus scan). Now there about 575,000. I
suspect that there are some folders or files somewhere on my hard drive with
tens of thousands of useless files that I could delete. Is that true? I am
good about performing regular housekeeping like the disk clean-up and
deleting the temporary internet files and cookies. Any advice would be
greatly appreciated so thanks in advance. ~Christine