I m planning to develop a driver for a general purpose webcam device
(only video streaming and probably still shot). I would like to ask
how many days will ususally take to go pass the WHQL test for my driver
& a standard webcam by VeriSign? Also how much will it cost?
In one of my clients experiences (server & client application), the
whole logo certification test cost them close to US$2500 for a 1 week+
of testing.
difference in pricing when certificating a software application or a
device, or a driver?
(only video streaming and probably still shot). I would like to ask
how many days will ususally take to go pass the WHQL test for my driver
& a standard webcam by VeriSign? Also how much will it cost?
In one of my clients experiences (server & client application), the
whole logo certification test cost them close to US$2500 for a 1 week+
of testing.
two days. Is this a standard pricing for Versign? Is there anyFrom some of the newsgroups, I saw that the express test is $695 for
difference in pricing when certificating a software application or a
device, or a driver?