Who's ever rowed across The Pond?


Offshore Crunchie Eater
Aug 18, 2005
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Please note that's THE POND as in the Atlantic Ocean, not the one in your local communal park!

Some of my ex-colleagues here in the Channel Islands are setting out on a fairly daunting challenge - Rowing across The Atlantic to Antigua!:eek:

They have launched a website to chart their progress and I thought it might be of interest for you guys, after all, we seem to like monumental challenges like crunching for FAD and F@H:)

There's no sponsorship involved (at least not from us), but I'm sure the girls would welcome any good wishes you may care to e-mail to them.

Their site is www.PortmanRowers.com in case you are interested.

Thanks for reading:thumb:
!!!!!!!! Now excuse my colonial ignorance, but isn't that ocean rather on the cold & wet side? In fact I understand that the Atlantic makes our Pacific waters seem like a warm bath? *shivers* And I've heard that's it's a 'little' on the temperamental side also! And they want to ROW across it!!!

Well they've got all of my good wishes. If people didn't go around attempting the impossible then we'd still be living in caves. I just hope that they make it there in one piece!

"What is now proved was once only imagined" -William Blake

Go for it Girls!!!!
Best of luck to the ... bunch of nutters. :D

... hope they took a fishing rod or two. :thumb: