Who's coming out to play then...?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Okay, so we have taken Abarbarian's Fogey Test .. and some of us even managed to pass!! So now it's time to get together for some Senior Recreation!! Story here

Bags I first go on the swings :lol:
Haha, I've never heard of one of those! :lol:

Good on them :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Does one have to show your OAP pass, or will a birth certificate/driving licence/passport do? :p

I'm not OLD enough, just crippled with being on this planet for nearly 60 years. ;)

Both my parents are both over 70 and are as fit as they have ever been.
Both play sport, walk a lot & are active in many things.
In fact my Dad has the same waist measurement as he did when he served King, Queen & Country.
Stories about the OAP playgrounds have been shown on our local News and the participants seemed to be having a lot of fun, really getting into the spirit of it. I don't doubt that the laughter is having as much of a beneficial effect as the actual apparatus. Good isn't it :thumb: :D

I saw this on tv and yes all the old folk were having a great time. But how long will it be before the local yoof wreak the place. I mean their only pleasure is in drink,drugs,smashing things up and stabing each other.
historian said:
But how long will it be before the local yoof wreak the place.

Oh ! About two or three days. A week at the most. :mad: