I would contact the following and enjoy doing it. I would refer you to a
comment that lends profound insight into your problem. JD Salinger wrote a
book that used to be studied superficially in schools in the US when reading
actually took place in them at a significant level. It no longer does.
Holden Caufield, the protagonist observed that he could not wipe out all of
a particular message of graffiti he saw on a wall that was a particular
explitive. Like Holden, there is nothing you can do about this. But if
you're really serious I have helpful suggestions as always.
1) Ralph Reed one of the most illegal lobbyists on the planet who commiitted
the most eggregious crimes in the history of the United States and made
millions doing it. MSFT paid him those millions as he stole from Indians
and postured Christian values while he was helping to have women enslaved,
tortured and killed on the Marianas islands. If you're incapable of
understanding or obtaining this information, you need remedial elementary
schooling. Microsoft was paying Reed $27,000 a month, more than Seattle
valet parking on a weekend for the Softies. When it became embarassing that
MSFT was paying one of the biggest criminals this country has ever known
(his best friend Jack Abramoff visited the White House enough to cover every
Monday through Friday in a year and they have stonewalled as to why. This is
exponentially more than any lobbyist has come close to getting into the
White House with direct access to the Vice President in the history of the
United States.
After attempting to defend read, MSFT now has no comment on him. No PR
flack can spin this. It's like the Holden Caufield signs. Wagner Edstrom
and McCann Ericson worldwide can't spin this or wipe it out. It's one of
their Holden Caufield eternal moments.
2) Dick Cheney who has been responsible for non stop mass murdering of
3) George Bush. Stay the course in the face of a slaughter that does not
involve his family and friends says it all.
4) Bill Frist, MD US Senate Majority Leader and Architect of the Biggest
Failure in Medicine in the History of the US as to Medicare and the proud
daddy of dead embryonic stem cell research and a mass migration of the top
American clinicians to SINGAPORE.
They really want this resolved.