My last one (an APC), I looked around and found a motorcycle ser#
battery (*supposedly*) that would work. $20+/US out of an autostore
(ordered in, a no-stock catalog item). Old-style entry APC
rectangular unit, fairly weighty, w/ some USB interface control
interaction. These newer APC models are flatish, lowered w/ plugs
more accessible, and though close to the old unit's weight, don't
appear nearly so adaptable to battery substitutions. Car batteries
*can* go on forever, well past five and between ten years. What kills
them is a full discharge.
I'm tempted to go back to APC for VOIP/ADSL modems -- also getting my
auto-negotiating backup VOIP modems out of Walmart (special order to
store) for a sweet $40 flat. ActionTec packaged parent brand though
seeing them also rebadged into specific-ISP configs such as Westel.
Have had some real issues with modems that crapped out after storms
and power fluctuations. One ISP net-type would have me believe,
unlike computers/monitors, these VOIP modems are much more sensitively
made and derive greater benefit from a UPS. Could be based on a few
years experience I've had, but that points construction/engineering
standards that aren't nearly as robust (I've never had a computer, or
monitor, that *lost it* simply because of a brown- or pwr-outage).
Then again, these Actiontecs are *green* - comparatively cool and
holding some sort of engineering award for high-efficiency, low-pwr
consumption, chip implementation.
Maybe if I get another Actiontec and save a buck or two from buying an
APC UPS, in the time a battery dies, the second VOIP would have
covered me adequately. Can't make up my mind, though I'm tending
towards a second modem.