I recommend Pixia [
http://www.ab.wakwak.com/~knight/download.htm]. If you
want more options, read on.
As simple image editors come, my favorite for editing sprites pixel-by-pixel
is i.Mage [
http://www.memecode.com]. At the other extreme is PhotoPlus
http://www.freeserifsoftware.com], but it's big and not so simple.
ubsectionid=362] is good, though I have not put it through the paces yet.
Lots of people like Satori[
http://www.satoripaint.com], but I couldn't get
it to run on WinME. Many like ImageForge--which is celebrated on
Pricelessware.org--and I think it's nice, too (just not as easy on my eyes
as i.Mage when I need to paint sprites pixel-by-pixel).
I recommend i.Mage for sprite editing, Pixia and/or ImageForge for general
uses, and PhotoPlus and/or GIMP for more advanced photo stuff. (Gimp is the
OpenSource work-alike for PhotoShop--I think you can find it at Gimp.org
and/or SourceForge.net.)
(e-mail address removed)
www.Neowulf.net (soon)
P.S. (3D)
TrueSpace 1, an old version of the famous 3D software, is available for free
Open source 3D programs include: Wings, MilkShape 3D, and OpenFX. I am 95%
sure all these are freeware, too: 3DCanvas, Blender, EON Studio Personal
Edition, Genesis II, Terragen (okay, all except 3DCanvas are shareware if
it's for commercial purposes).