Addition to what has already been answered.
Strongly Typed means the code adheres to specific types, instead of using
object. As an example, a DataSet object has columns that are not strongly
typed, thus you have to pull values using a syntax like this:
int userId = (int)DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserId"];
string firstName = dataSet.Tables[0]["FirstName"].ToString();
This is due to all fields being set up as objects (object type).
Youc an build strongly typed DataSets using the DataSet designer. In this
case, the method is more like so:
int userId = strongTypedDataSet.User[0].UserId;
string firstName = strongTypedDataSet.User[0].FirstName;
It gets easier as things go along.
ASP.NET is simply a framework for delivering web apps. You can code them in
C#, VB, or any other language you have a compiler for (C++, F#, COBOL,
etc.). It has nothing to do with strong typing.
Gregory A. Beamer
| Think outside the box! |