Who has a template for a small booksore in MS Access

  • Thread starter Thread starter david.prudential
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there is a small bookstore in Chicago that needs saving. It's the only truly
dedicated Spanish and Bilingual bookstore in the Midwest, and one of the very
few remaining independent Spanish bookstores in the US. The owners are
struggling to survive, and don't have much money to spend. I want to help by
creating a database where they can input the book information along with an
image and book reviews, etc. I have the lists of categories, etc, the
template I need needs to have 2 layers of subcategories, a barcode scanner
use function to keep track of inventory, and easy to use form like the
address book, but with subcategories lists that have check boxes, yes/no for
out of print tab, and more.
Please help!
Thank you in advance.
On the last occasion of Barak Obama's pandering for the latino vote he
clearly stated that Americans should learn to speak Spanish. Maybe an
appeal to him directly would be rewarded with support extracted from
unwilling taxpayers. But, in view of the illegal immigration and the
consequences of the failure of my government to protect our citizens
from them and to preserve those government (taxpayer) provided
services for citizens alone and that same government's failure to even
make a good effort to control our own borders against the lawbreakers
who, just incidentally, are predominantly Spanish (not English)

You might also appeal to the Mexican government for support. It is
pretty clearly the policy of the Mexican government to do all that
they can (short of providing armed escort across the border into the
US) to illegal aliens. They might want to prevent visible traces of
contact but following initial contact you might be surprised to find
anonymous support suddenly available to you.

While your spiel on the background and the dire situation you hyped to
elicit sympathy to your cause may have mis-fired. In my case you've
done just the opposite. Should such a very specifically targeted book
store fail then good riddance. Could it be that the constituency to
whom they might have provided service is so used to freeloading that
they don't pony up their own money for books? Or, could it be that
they don't want to learn English but hope to gain such wide acceptance
for Spanish that then needn't learn English. Ever! ?? Currently
just about every automated voice attendant invites "Numero dos para
Espanol" already. We'll know that the tide has truly turned when the
entire announcement is in some foreign (alien?) lingo and only lapses
into English to say "Number two (or three or four) for English"! If
the bookstore goes out of business, it won't necessarily be true of
the books. Amazon and Barnes & Noble and Borders are just a few
clicks away.

Many years ago I learned some Spanish and some French with the hope
that it might be useful if ever I visited places where those were the
official languanes. That has proved to be the case. The Spanish has
served me well over the course of decades of vacations by auto touring
and small boat cruising in and round Mexico. The French helped me
navigate hotels and restaurants, primarily in the province of Quebec,
on my many auto trips across Canada.

It was not then and is not now my intent to rely on any foreigh
language to navigate in my own country where English is the language
and the homeland is the United States of America.

The rant being over for the moment, I'm not aware of any such
template. Bookstore software would tend to be very specific and very
expensive. For the good stuff, someone had to pay a bunch of money to
get it done. I doubt that anyone is giving it away. However, you
might try google and search on various combinations of the terms
you've already used in your post. Be sure to include the word "free"
in a few of your searches. Another place that probably wouldn't turn
up in a google search but that might have something you could use is
www.simtel.com Lots of people (used to) post freebies and shareware
there on just about everything.

SQL Server comes with 'pubs' database
I think that is _JUST_ what you're looking for.

seriously. look it up
Wrong again troll boy. Pubs no longer comes with SQL-Server, and it didn't
have any of the advanced features (subcategories, barcodes, etc.). If you'd
get your head out of your butt long enough, you might have realized that.

Look it up...

SQL Server comes with 'pubs' database
I think that is _JUST_ what you're looking for.

seriously. look it up
so you mean that pubs is an optional install?
because I'm pretty sure that the script still comes with MS SQL

barcodes.. wow.. you mean a NUMBER right?
Not with MS-SQL 2005 or 2008.

Also a barcode can be text, or a number or text as a number you ignorant
dung heap.

so you mean that pubs is an optional install?
because I'm pretty sure that the script still comes with MS SQL

barcodes.. wow.. you mean a NUMBER right?
Of course there is a quicken solution for small biz that includes inventory
management. Less than a few hundred, not perfect for book store but with a
little help may solve the problem.