Who and why?....

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Ok, I'm new to this so If I'm in the wrong place to ask, please forgive me.
I made a movie (wmv) using the windows movie maker and have it placed on a
portion of my website as a streaming video.
Problem is, I can view it when i visit the site from my computer and a few
others can view it from their computers, but alot of people are telling me
that either they cant get it to work at all, or they get just the video and
no sound.
What requirements are needed to view this correctly and is there anything I
can do to make it more compatible for the majority of the people who view the
Heres a link to the page with the streaming video just in case you want to
check it out for yourself.
Any information would be appreciated.
Hi Kevin
The video played perfectly for me, nice job by the way, so I am not sure
what the issue is.
I wonder if it is a matter of people that have Media Player 9 or lower are
having problems.
Another possibility is people using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer are
having problems.
I know the firefox problem was why mine didn't work but since I switched to
using Microsoft FrontPage with a Media Player plug-in I have not had any
issues with my videos working.

I tried it on 2 computers... on the first one, it took longer than normal to
start but ran fine when it did... started at a more normal time (seconds) on
the 2nd one

On both I had to click the start button twice for it to go.... if I expected
to see it with one click, or if I expected it to play automatically, maybe
that would be an issue.... you have lots of space on the page, maybe tell
viewers what they are supposed to do to start it...
and the music doesn't start until after the scrolling titling.... long
enough that some would think there's no audio...
..... and my final comment... the movie is 640x480 but you're constraining it
in the embedded player to 400 pixels... your bandwidth setting is good but
it might be better to make a custom profile to put more info into the 400
pixel video rather than having the web page constrain the larger size to the
smaller dimensions.
Thanks to everyone for their help and comments.
PapaJohn, you stated that I should make a "custom profile" to put more info
into the 400 pixel video......."
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Could you please elaborate and instruct on
how to do this.
Thank you very much once again!
the bitrate of your movie is 665 kbps... that's how much data is flowing....
and bitrate is equivalent to quality.

the movie you saved in Movie Maker is 640x480... and you're having the
browser squeeze it down into a 400 pixel embedded player on your web
page.... by the HTML settings of the page.

I read that as having higher quality flow across the internet but then
squeezing it to lower quality in the browser. For the same data flow you
could have the browser view it at the full 640x480 at no more data cost...
or if you prefer the 400 pixel size, save the movie at that size instead of
at 640x480... you could lower the bitrate proportionally and get the same
quality.... resolving some of the viewing issues.... see the Saving Movies >
Custom WMV Profiles page of my site for info about making a custom profile.
Thanks for all of your help!
I adjusted the html and set it for 600 x 400, and it makes a great deal of
difference. Lots easier to see! Dont know why i had it set for the 400 x
400?...lol. Anyways, I also set it for autostart and removed the controls.
Looks pretty good now. Let me know what ya think. And if you get the time,
check out the rest of my online biography, of which the Helicon reunion is a
part of.
Thanks againl!
Your site looks good, and the video plays fine....

And, having spent the first 23 years of my life growing up in Manhattan's
west side in New York City, I can relate to your bio.
I agree with Papajohn the site looks great and the video plays very nicely
Out of curiosity what software did you use to create the website and to put
the video up?
Hi Wojo,
Thanks to everyone for the help and compliments!
I use Cutesite Builder for the website because its very easy to use and with
a lil imagination it can look pretty decent. And I used Windows Movie maker
of course to make the video. I then just added the file to my file directory
on tripod which is my host and then added it to my site as streaming video,
which is very easy to do when you are using Cutesite builder.
Thanks again for everything and if ever in the S.E area of Michigan please
stop in and introduce yourselves. You'll find all the information on when and
where to find me on the actual bio portion of my site.
Kevin Pruett
My daughter and 3 of our grand-kids live in Brighton... and I'm just a
stone's throw over in Kalamazoo...
Shouldn't throw stones.....could put out an eye

PapaJohn (MVP) said:
My daughter and 3 of our grand-kids live in Brighton... and I'm just a
stone's throw over in Kalamazoo...