White space!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Malcolm Walker
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Malcolm Walker

FrontPage 2003 SP3 - http://www.sandiwaygolf.co.uk/gallery.htm

Viewing the above mentioned photo gallery in IE 7.0.5730.11IC & Firefox there is a wide white space between the left border Links bar
and the div containing the gallery. Where and how can I reduce this space?

My grateful thanks in anticipation of a solution.

There is an empty table cell between the cell that holds the navigation and the cell that displays the images.
That is part, if not all of the problem, so remove it.

Additionally their are some css errors.
body {text-align:center; font-family: tahoma; arial; sans-serif; font-size:76%; letter-spacing:0.05em;}
should be
body {text-align:center; font-family: "tahoma arial sans-serif"; font-size:76%; letter-spacing:0.05em;}


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
FP Cleaner
Hit Me FP
Steve said:
There is an empty table cell between the cell that holds the navigation and the cell that displays the images.
That is part, if not all of the problem, so remove it.

Additionally their are some css errors
Steve-Thank you for your reply but unfortunately I am no further forward
with removing the white space!

I am unable to find an empty table or table cell in the Body area. If I
put the cursor in the Body area the Table | Select | Table command is
unavailable along with the related commands in the drop down excepting
the three for Sorting. I take it therefore that FP is telling me a
Table is not present. Also I have examined the Code View very carefully
several times without being able to identify an empty Table or Table
cell. Can you assist me any further in moving the div to the left please?

I have corrected the CSS error you pointed out - thank you for that.
I am certainly no expert but have you checked the alignment of you box of
photos? It could be right aligned instead of left. To check if you have a
table if you place your cursor to the left or top of the empty space and the
cursor turns into a small black arrow that means there is a table and you can
select the columns and rows with that arrow.
Steve said:
The empty cell is in the page that contains your navigation.
How do you know this? I'm gagging to know as I still can't find it!
How are you adding the navigation ( links ) to the page?
The left border is a shared border. I simply add the pages with shared
borders to the navigation layout in View | Navigation having previously
set the Link Bar Properties to my requirements under the General tab.
When I do this the Links Bar appears in the left border.

This site has grown considerably over the last eight or nine years
having started life in MS FP 97. The restricted access Members' Area is
four times the volume of the public site. The progression has been
through an upgrade to FP 98, then FP 2000 and finally to FP 2003 that I
have had for less than a year. I am aware that DWT is `better' than
Shared Borders but have yet to change the tried and trusted arrangement
of the pages and their navigation. The photo gallery is a belated
attempt to make use of CSS.
Thank you for your response. I don't know how to control the position
of the photo gallery container - and referred to this in my original

I am aware of the change in the pointer at the edge of a table but my
search for the cell identified by Steve Easton, both in De4sign and Code
View has been fruitless.
BTW If the white space is due to an empty cell in the left border surely
it would affect all the pages that include the left border.

Just wondering?
When you insert a left or right shared border, FP adds a 20 pixel cell /space to right of the left
shared border and the left of the right shared border. This cell/space can not be removed.

You have 2 solutions, either use the FP Include Page component (All versions) or a Dynamic Web
Template (FP2003)

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Here are some more suggestions in case you have missed trying them:
select your gallery then you click on the alignment buttons on your menu bar
to left align it and see if that works.

You also might have some tabbed spaces in front of it, so try selecting the
photo gallery then hold the SHIFT key while you hit the TAB key, that will
remove any tabs (one at a time) that might be in front of your gallery.

Another thing to try, right click the gallery, choose page properties see if
you have any margins in there. Or, in the same window choose; body style,
format, position and see if changing anything there will help.

As I said, I am no expert but I have struggled many many times with
FrontPage and sometimes it can be just something small that is causing a
frustrating problem. Unfortunately FrontPage can be such a pain and their
search program in the help files is not very intuitive, so I just keep
hunting and pecking to see if I can find anything that will work.
FAO: Thomas A Rowe

Please look at the page: www.sandiwaygolf.co.uk/gallery.htm and you will
see white space between the left link bar and the div containing the
photo gallery that is much wider than the default 20px margin from the
shared border. (Btw - I am aware of the existence of this margin.)

Also the other pages in the site accessed from the same link bar do not
have the white space I am hoping to remove in this one particular page.
So my conclusion is that it is in some way due to the CSS from which the
gallery is constructed. Whether resorting to Includes or DWT will solve
the problem on this page is a moot point. I can but try!
If you examine the source code you will see that the photo gallery
itself is constructed from pure CSS. As other pages in the site that
also are accessed from the link bar in exactly the same way do not have
the white space that appears in gallery.htm I have to assume it is in
some way related to the CSS.

I have tried your suggestions but again from looking at the code there
is nothing to remove from the HTML that could be causing the white
space. Your suggestions, to my understanding, can only affect the HTML
and will have no effect on the HTML.

Nevertheless I am grateful for your interest and the time and trouble
you have given to your input. It is very much appreciated.
If you examine the source code you will see that the photo gallery
itself is constructed from pure CSS. As other pages in the site that
also are accessed from the link bar in exactly the same way do not have
the white space that appears in gallery.htm I have to assume it is in
some way related to the CSS.

I have tried your suggestions but again from looking at the code there
is nothing to remove from the HTML that could be causing the white
space. Your suggestions, to my understanding, can only affect the HTML
and will have no effect on the CSS. (Corrected from HTML MeW)

Nevertheless I am grateful for your interest and the time and trouble
you have given to your input. It is very much appreciated.
Problem solved.

The position of the container for the photo gallery was relative. I
have changed it to absolute and the white space has gone.

See line 10 of the code - #container {position:absolute;

For all who contributed to this thread my thanks. The pro and cons
concentrated my thinking and I am very grateful for your input.

Also in IE7 and so the problem is in the CSS. Thank you for drawing
this to my attention.
Why not just use a standard table to place the gallery on the page, why CSS?

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

"why CSS?" Because I wanted to get some knowledge and experience in
using CSS. I came across Stu Nicholls tutorial at:
http://www.webreference.com/programming/css_gallery/ and decided to
utilize it as a means to more than one end.

I have tried putting the container in a single table cell aligned left
but there was no change to the display of the wide white space. But I
am not sure if that answers your question.
Your gallery div is in a table cell. Change that table's width from 100% to
80 or 90% if you want to reduce white space and also take out that empty cell
that Steve Easton identified in his first post. In code view find "<td
valign="top" width="24"></td>" and delete it.