White House dumps Microsoft !


Sep 30, 2005
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"The White House uses Linux

In October this year, The White House website moved over to an Open Source platform to make the system more robust and more secure – and more open."

"French Police save “millions” by adopting Ubuntu

France’s Gendarmerie Nationale, the country’s national police force, says it has saved millions of dollars by migrating its desktop software infrastructure away from Microsoft Windows and replacing it with the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

The Gendarmerie began its transition to open source software in 2005 when it replaced Microsoft Office with OpenOffice.org across the entire organization. It gradually adopted other open source software applications, including Firefox and Thunderbird. After the launch of Windows Vista in 2006, it decided to phase out Windows and incrementally migrate to Ubuntu."

Now what were folk saying about GNU/Linux not being ready for the general public ;)
Ah, but have you seen the increase in administrative errors reported since moving from Billy Boy's money-spinner to Linus's 'free-but-'kin-difficult' Unix based software?

Such were the glitches in staff addressing an unfamiliar 'Konsole' that the White House wondered why it had ordered all of it's SEALS to invade Poland :confused:

Nothing is ever black and white.


If major concerns ditched Windows en masse I, for one, would be happy.

Just remember there are at least two sides to every coin ;)
That article is from Jan '09 too.....