When I display a picture and load a bitmap with whites in it (in fact, a big
white area), and I compare thet white with the full white of the panel
behind it, I see that the bitmap is not exactly white. Is there some color
conversion in the PDA device ? How can I force a full white pixel in a
bitmap to display as the same white as the rest of my application?
I use vb .net 2003 to write an application in the compact framework.
When I display a picture and load a bitmap with whites in it (in fact, a big
white area), and I compare thet white with the full white of the panel
behind it, I see that the bitmap is not exactly white. Is there some color
conversion in the PDA device ? How can I force a full white pixel in a
bitmap to display as the same white as the rest of my application?
I use vb .net 2003 to write an application in the compact framework.